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Thank you for your purchase of the Duux
Hygro+Thermometer! It has been designed and
engineered to accurately display the temperature
and humidity. Please carefully read the instructions
to become familiar with the device before using it.
Required for installation: 1x CR2032 battery (incl.)
1. Temperature display in ⁰C/⁰F
2. Temperature range (-40-60⁰C)
3. Humidity range (10-99%)
4. Comfort level indication
5. Table stand, wall bracket or magnet attachment
Remove the plastic tab from the battery
compartment prior to use.
The LCD will display all digits and icons for 3
seconds, followed by operational mode.
1. After power on, the humidity will display
automatically. It will upgrate the reading each 10s.
2. Humidity display range: 10-99%
3. Deviation: when humidity is between 10-99%,
the max. deviation is 3%. Out of this range, the
max deviation is 7%.
Comfortable - Temperature between 18-26⁰C,
humidity between 40-60%.
Uncomfortable - Temperature between 10-
17,9⁰C or 26,1-30⁰C, humidity between 30-39%
or 61-70%
Very uncomfortable - Temperature lower than
10⁰C or higher than 30⁰C, humidity lower than
30% or higher than 70%.
1. After power on, the temperature will display
automatically. It will upgrate the reading each 10s.
2. If you want to change between Celsius and
Fahrenheit, press the front button.
3. Temperature display range: -40-60⁰C
4. Deviation: when temperature is between
40-60⁰C, the max. deviation is ±1,5⁰C. Out of this
range, the max. deviation is 5⁰C. Temperature
accuracy: 0.1⁰C.
Change temperature
display between Fahrenheit
and Celsius.
Do not clean any part of the product with
benzene, thinner or other solvent chemicals. If
necessary, clean it with a soft or damp cloth.
Never immerse the product in water. This will
damage the product.
Do not subject the product to extreme force,
shock or fluctuations in temperature or humidity.
Do not open the device and/or try to perform
repairs by anyone other than a qualified
Please carefully check the battery type before
replacing. Unsupported batteries may damage the
Do not use alkaline, standard or rechargeable
batteries in this product.
Remove batteries when storing this product for a
long period of time.
Do not dispose this product as unsorted
municipal waste. Please seperately collect as
electronic/chemical waste.
Duux provides a 1-year limited warranty on this
product against manufacturing defects in materials
and workmanship.
Warranty service can only be performed by an
authorized reseller. The original dated sales receipt
must be presented upon request, as proof of
purchase to the reseller.
The warranty covers all defects in material and
workmanship with the following exceptions:
1. Damage caused by accident, unreasonable use or
neglect (including the lack or reasonable and
necessary maintenance);
2. Damage occured during shipment (claims must be
presented to the carrier);
3. Damage to or deterioration of any accessory or
decorative surface;
4. Damage resulting from failing to follow the
instructions in this user manual.
This warranty covers only actual defects within the
product itself, and does not cover the costs of
installation or removal from a fixed installation,
normal set-up or adjustments, claims based on
misrepresentation by the seller or performance
variations resulting from installation-related
To receive warranty service, the purchaser must
contact the Duux reseller for problem determination
and service procedure.
Designed in The Netherlands by Duux International
BV. Made in P.R.C. Duux Intrernational BV, P.O. Box
145, 5400 AC, Uden, The Netherlands,
©2018 Duux. All rights reserved.
DUUX® is a trademark of Duux International BV,
registered in the EU and other countries. The brand
cited belongs exclusively to the respective owners.
Specifications are subject to modification without

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