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1. Product description
The DÜRKOPP ADLER 767 is a special sewing machine with universal applications.
Flat-bed double-stitch sewing machine with lower conveyor, needle transport and
alternating upper foot conveyor.
Subclasses available: one or two needles, with or without edge cutter and with or
without thread trimmer beneath the stitch plate.
Single-needle machines are convertible to double-needle machines.
(not 767-AE-73 / 767-AE-5-73)
All subclasses have device racks in the base plate for the rapid replacement of
various devices. (not 767-AE-73 / 767-AE-5-73)
Maximum c learance beneath lifted sewing feet: 16 mm
(with -AE and -LG max. 13 mm).
Stroke of alternating sewing feet adjustable with adjusting wheel by up to 7 mm.
Automatic non-pressurised oil-circulating lubrication with s ight glasses for oil level
and oil circulation. Integrated hook lubrication.
Large, two-piece vertical hook with spool-housing lifting device.
Oversized, two-piece vertical hook with spool-housing lifting device.
A safety coupling prevents the hook from being displaced or damaged if the thread
jams in the hook track.
2. Designated use
The designated use of the 767 sew ing machine is sewing light to medium-heavy
materials. Such material is generally made of textile fibres, but it may also be leather. It
is used in the clothing industry and for domestic and motor-vehicle upholstery.
This sewing machine can also be used to produce so-called technical seams. In this
case, however, the operator must assess the possible dangers which may arise (with
which DÜRKOPP ADLER AG would be happy to assist), since such applications are on
the one hand relatively unusual and, on the other, they are so varied that no single set
of criteria can c over them all. The outcome of this assessment may require appropriate
safety measures to be taken.
Generally only dry material may be sewn with this machine. The material may be no
thicker than 10 mm when compressed by the lowered sewing feet. The material may not
contain any hard objects, since if it does the machine may not be operated without an
eye-protection device. No such device is currently available.
The seam is generally produced with textile-fibre sewing thread of gauge 11/3 Ne
11/3 Nm (synthetic) or 11/4 Nm (covering yarn). Before using any other thread the possible
dangers arising must be assessed and appropriate safety measures taken if necessary.
This sewing machine m ay be set up and operated only in dry, well-maintained premises.
If the sewing machine is used in other premises which are not dry and well-maintained it
may be necessary to take further precautions (which should be agreed in advance - see
EN 60204-31: 1999).
As manufacturers of industrial machinery we proceed on the assumption that personnel
who work on our products will have received training at least sufficient to acquaint them
with all normal operations and with any hazards which these may involve.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Durkopp Adler 767

Durkopp Adler 767 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 46 pagina's

Durkopp Adler 767 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 46 pagina's

Durkopp Adler 767 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 31 pagina's

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