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This instruction manual is intended to help the user to become familiar
with the machine and take advantage of its application possibilities in
accordance with the recommendations.
The instruction manual contains important information on how to
operate the machine securely, properly and economically. Observation
of the instructions eliminates danger, reduces costs for repair and
down-times, and increases the reliability and life of the machine.
The instruction manual is intended to complement existing national
accident prevention and environment protection regulations.
The instruction manual must always be available at the machine/sewing
The instruction manual must be read and applied by any person that is
authorized to work on the machine/sewing unit. This means:
Operation, including equipping, troubleshooting during the work
cycle, removing of fabric waste,
Service (maintenance, inspection, repair) and/or
The user also has to assure that only authorized personnel work on the
The user is obliged to check the machine at least once per shift for
apparent damages and to immediatly report any changes (including the
performance in service), which impair the safety.
The user company must ensure that the machine is only operated in
perfect working order.
Never remove or disable any safety devices.
If safety devices need to be removed for equipping, repairing or
maintaining, the safety devices must be remounted directly after
completion of the maintenance and repair work.
Unauthorized modification of the machine rules out liability of the
manufacturer for damage resulting from this.
Observe all safety and danger recommendations on the machine/unit!
The yellow-and-black striped surfaces designate permanend danger
areas, eg danger of squashing, cutting, shearing or collision.
Besides the recommendations in this instruction manual also observe
the general safety and accident prevention regulations!

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Andere handleiding(en) van Durkopp Adler 767

Durkopp Adler 767 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 46 pagina's

Durkopp Adler 767 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 46 pagina's

Durkopp Adler 767 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 31 pagina's

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