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RTS Thermostat
Installation instructions
RTS1: Standard heating thermostat
RTS2 Heating thermostat with call for heat LED indicator
RTS3: Indoor frost thermostat
RTS4 Volt free heating/cooling change over switch
RTS9 & 10: Volt free heating/cooling changeover switch with call
for heating LED indicator
RTS thermostats are ELECTRONIC with a relay output.
Unless connected to a 230V mains supply the relay will
not operate, no 'click' will be heard and the call for heat
contact will remain open.
Care should be taken to mount the thermostat in a position
which is not subject to direct sunlight or draughts. Preferably
it should be mounted on an inside wall about 1.5m (5ft)
above the floor in a position where it can respond to room
temperature but away from the direct influence of radiators
or other appliances giving off heat.
Note: If the thermostat is to be used as a frost protection
device it should be located in the coldest part of the premises.
1. Loosen the securing screws, remove the wall-plate and, if
surface wiring is to be used, snap out the cable entry strip
on the bottom edge of the wall-plate with a pair of pliers.
2. Fix the wall-plate, terminals at the top, either direct onto a
flat wall using wall plugs and No 6 x 1” woodscrews or on a
flush mounting single conduit box using M 3.5 x 14 screws.
3. Complete the wiring to the wall-plate in accordance with
the relevant diagram shown overleaf in accordance with
I.E.E. regulations.
Note: The thermostat is for fixed wiring only and is double
insulated, the earthing continuity (loop) terminal is only
provided for convenience.
4. Plug the thermostat onto the wall-plate and tighten the
securing screws.
5. Before switching on the mains ENSURE THE CIRCUIT
Disconnect mains supply before fitting or removing from
A switch having contact separation of at least 3mm in all
poles must be incorporated in the fixed wiring as a means
of providing full disconnection of the mains supply.
1. Set the desired room temperature on the control knob
against the setting mark.
2. The setting range may be limited or a particular setting
locked through the use of the mechanism to be found
under the control knob.
3. To adjust the limiters firstly set the thermostat to the
desired temperature and then carefully pull off the knob.
4. Lift and rotate the two limiting arms to re-position them in
the required notches.
5. Replace the knob with the previously set temperature
against the setting mark.
Technical data
Electrical supply: 230V ac 50Hz fused 3A
Double insulated (no earth required)
Temp. range: RTS1, 2, 4 & 9 10° to 30°C
RTS3 (Frost) 3° to 10°C
Switch type: RTS 1, 2 & 3 S.P.S.T 2(1)A 230V ac live
RTS4, 9 & 10 S.P.D.T 2(1)A 230V ac volt free
Temp. sensor: Electronic
14° to 30°C

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