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Client Invensys File Name 7406 Drayton Update MiStat N 06490191001 IssF
Artworker -
Proof Stage
Finished Size A3 297x420mm
Creative Director Mike Lane Artwork % 100%
Modification Date 18/05/15 9:36AM Bleed 3mm
What is a room thermostat?
... an explanation for householders
A room thermostat simply switches the heating
system on and off as necessary. It works by sensing
the air temperature, switching on the heating when
the air temperature falls below the thermostat setting,
and switching it off once this set temperature has
been reached.
Turning a room thermostat to a higher setting will not
make the room heat up any faster. How quickly the
room heats up depends on the design of the heating
system, for example, the size of boiler and radiators.
Neither does the setting affect how quickly the room
cools down. Turning a room thermostat to a lower
setting will result in the room being controlled at a
lower temperature, and saves energy.
The heating system will not work if a time switch or
programmer has switched it off.
The way to set and use your room thermostat is to
nd the lowest temperature setting that you are
comfortable with, and then leave it alone to do its job.
The best way to do this is to set the room thermostat
to a low temperature – say 18ºC – and then turn it up
by one degree each day until you are comfortable
with the temperature. You won’t have to adjust the
thermostat further. Any adjustment above this setting
will waste energy and cost you more money.
If your heating system is a boiler with radiators, there
will usually be only one room thermostat to control the
whole house. But you can have different temperatures
in individual rooms by installing thermostatic radiator
valves (TRVs) on individual radiators. If you don’t
have TRVs, you should choose a temperature that is
reasonable for the whole house. If you do have TRVs,
you can choose a slightly higher setting to make
sure that even the coldest room is comfortable, then
prevent any overheating in other rooms by adjusting
the TRVs.
Room thermostats need a free fl ow of air to sense
the temperature, so they must not be covered by
curtains or blocked by furniture. Nearby electric
res, televisions, wall or table lamps may prevent the
thermostat from working properly.
Room Thermostat
Model: N110R
Customer Service Tel: 0845 130 5522
Customer Service Fax: 0845 130 0622
Technical Helpline: 0845 130 7722
Website: www.draytoncontrols.co.uk
Email: customer.care@draytoncontrols.co.uk
EU Design Regs:- 002180638-1/2/3
User Guide 06490191001 Iss F
Symbol in
Function Description
Comfort setting
Selects the comfort setting. The pre-set value is used each time when activated,
adjustable within the user settings (see step 3).
Eco setting
Selects the Eco setting. The pre-set value is used each time when activated,
adjustable in the user settings (see step 3).
Home screen
Indicates that the pre-set temperatures were changed via +/- key
Step 1: Keys and Display - MiStat
RF Pack: MiStat N110R
Step 2: +hr (Timer)
Press +hr to start the Timer. The prior used
temperature and time will be displayed and the
temperature will ash.
Press +/- to adjust +hr temperature, then press ( )
t o c o n r m .
Press +/- to adjust +hr period between 0 and 23 hours.
Press (
) t o c o n r m .
Step 3: Additional User Settings
ID Feature: Description: Factory Pre-Set:
It will not be possible to set a
higher temperature
If MAX-TEMP and MIN-TEMP are set to the
same value, it will not be possible to change
temperature with the +/- keys.
It will not be possible to set a
lower temperature
ECO Temperature used for energy saving periods e.g. during the night ( )
Comfort Temperature used for comfort periods e.g. during the day ( )
Exit from the settings menu to USER-S
To enter User Settings
Press + & – keys for approx. 5
Seconds to enter the settings
menu as shown below.
Press Select (
) to enter the user
Battery Handling
Batteries, rechargeable or not, should not be disposed
of into ordinary household waste. Instead, they must be
recycled properly to protect the environment and cut down
the waste of precious resources.
Your local waste management authority can supply details
concerning the proper disposal of batteries.
In compliance with the EU Directive 2006/66/EC, the button
cell battery located on the printed circuit board inside the
product, can be removed at the end of the product life, by
professional personnel only.
Step 4: Changing the Batteries
How do I know when to change
the batteries?
When the batteries start to run low a battery icon will
ash in the display to indicate “low battery, during
this time the MiStat will function normally. When
the battery icon alone is shown in the display, the
batteries are completely exhausted and the MiStat will
cease to function (see below). Re-activate by replacing
the batteries.
How to replace the batteries
Remove the battery covers as shown. Replace the batteries with 2 x 1.5V IEC LR6 (AA) Alkaline batteries ensuring
correct orientation. Replace the battery covers pressing fully home.
Battery Covers:
Slide outwards
to remove
MiStat Rear
Step 5: Receiver - Key & LED
Mode Action Key
Green Normal Call for heat
(boiler is fi ring)
Normal RF
Off Normal No call for heat
(boiler is not
fi r i n g )
Red RF loss
or not
No call for heat Switches
the boiler
Amber RF loss
or not
Call for heat Switches the
boiler Off
LED: See table below for details
Key: See table below for details
To set a suitable temperature for up to 23 hours, e.g.
for short term absence.
Now the timer is running. The time will be counted
down each hour.
Once the time has elapsed, control returns to the prior
temperature screen.
The Timer can be cancelled by pressing
key or by
setting the +hr period to 0.
To exit User Settings
Press + & – keys for approx. 5
seconds to exit.
If there is no key pressed for
2 minutes, the system will exit
the menu, any changes will be
1 Setting temperature values is restricted
Are Minimum/Maximum temperatures activated?
see Homeowner Guide Step 3.
NO SIGNAL is visible on the screen, no reaction on
key presses anymore
Is the receiver powered? (Red signal lamp should
be visible)
3 LOCKED is displayed
a see Installation Guide Step 5 - LOCK
Current set temperature
Call for heat indication.
This fl ame will be visible
when the heating
temperature is below
the set temperature.
+hr key: Press to set a
suitable temperature
for up to 23 hours (see
step 2).
Select key: Press
to open and save
editor screens
+ & - keys:
Press to change
the current
Current room temperature
Current Setting,
see table below
key: Press to toggle
between Comfort
setting, Eco setting and
(Room thermostat only).
See table below.
Customize the controller according to personal requirements.
4 Is the battery symbol visible?
a Replace batteries, see Homeowner Guide Step 4.
STARTING is visible on the screen, no reaction on key
presses anymore
Is the receiver powered? (Red signal lamp should
be visible)
WAIT is visible on the screen, no reaction on key
presses anymore
Is the receiver powered? (Red signal lamp should
be visible)
RF transmission indication. The
RF symbol will be visible as
Short fl ashes = RF transmission
Continuous ashing = RF signal

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