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Combi-Stat RTS8
Room Thermostat
2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility
2011/65/EU RoHS Directive
EN60730-1, EN60730-2-9
Energy Class I = 1% (According to EU 811/2013,
812/2013, 813/2013, 814/2013)
Telephone: +44 (0) 845 130 5522
Facsimile: +44 (0) 845 130 0622
Technical Helpline: +44 (0) 845 130 7722
Website: www.draytoncontrols.co.uk
Email: customer.care@draytoncontrols.co.uk
6490018-1 Iss D
Drayton Controls reserve the right
to make changes without notice
and cannot accept liability for errors.
3LN1SRsaG hsitirB
British Gas RS2 (for 2 wire connectionwith loads of 0.1 to 0.6 A) L 2
British Gas RS2 (for 2 wire connection with loads 0.6 to 6A) L 3
British Gas RS2 (for 3 wire connection with loads under 2A) N L 3
231LN4SR saG hsitirB
Drayton RTS7 and RTS8 (for 2 wire connection with loads of 0.1 to 0.6 A) L 2
Drayton RTS7 and RTS8 (for 2 wire connection with loads 0.6 to 6A) L 3
Drayton RTS7 and RTS8 (for 3 wire connection with loads under 2A) N L 3
3LN 1 STRnotyarD
3LN 2 STRnotyarD
231 LN4 STRnotyarD
214E241 STelytsefiL LCA
2315053 AT elytsefiL LCA
Drayton (old version) 3214 TR
Drayton (old version) 4ETR 123
3214032TMRlladnaR ssofnaD
43LN032TERlladnaR ssofnaD
Danfoss Randall RT1 132
2143DR lladnaR ssofnaD
214A3DR lladnaR ssofnaD
213NECTR lladnaR ssofnaD
213NEMTR lladnaR ssofnaD
213NERSR lladnaR ssofnaD
213N405R lladnaR ssofnaD
Honeywell T4360B 1 3
4312B0606T llewyenoH
4312B1606T llewyenoH
4312B3606T llewyenoH
4312B0636T llewyenoH
214E1TRH nnamtsroH
Horstmann Centuarstat 123
321E1 DAR ryG & sidnaL
Landis & Gyr RAD 1N 123
Landis & Gyr RAD 1EM 123
HLN1 TRP notrettoP
HLTN 2 TRP notrettoP
HLTNTS 001 TRP notrettoP
CHLTNTD 001 TRP notrettoP
134E2222 XLTcivnuS
13/LNE9522 XLT civnuS
213NE6532 XLT civnuS
134E4562 XLTcivnuS
2134E2582 XLTcivnuS
231E053 AT capoS
2314E153 AT capoS
23152 TRS retsamhctiwS
214ESS rewoT
NOTE: British Gas RS2 & Drayton RTS7 details are for guide use only. ALWAYS follow above instructions.
Electrical supply 24V-230V AC/DC
Double insulated no earth
Temperature range 10°C to 30°C
Switch type SPST 6(2)A
See Figs 5 to 7 for supply
voltage and maximum loads
which are dependant on
wiring configuration used
Temperature sensor Bi metallic
Continued from overleaf
Combi-Stat boiler compatibilty information
Make Model
Alpha 240 2 wire
Ocean 80 3 wire
Ariston Genus 27 2 wire
Euro Combi 27 2 wire
Biasi Prisma 2 wire
Riva 3 wire
Chaffoteaux Britony Combi 80 3 wire
Celtic FF 3 wire
Ferrolli Domina 80 2 wire
Modena 80 2 wire
Halstead Finest 2 wire
Finest Gold 2 wire
Radiant RSF 24 2 wire
Ravenheat RSF 820/20 2 wire
CSI 85 Condensing 2 wire
Saunier Duval 623 Combi 2 wire
Myson Midas BF 2 wire
Elm Le Blanc 2 wire

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