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SOS call settings
This is a private emergency call function.
Do not enter any local, national or interna-
tional emergency numbers such as 110 or
112, etc.!
Activate the emergency call function.
1. Press
SOS Setting
2. Select
Emergency alert
3. Select
If you deactivate the emergency call
function the emergency call key on the
back of the telephone will not work.
SOS Alarm Tone
Alarm sound on or off.
1. Press
SOS Setting
2. Select
SOS Alarm Tone
3. Select
Emergency call contacts
The phone numbers to be called when
presseing the emergency call key.
1. Press
SOS Setting
2. Select
Emergency numbers
3. Add maximum 5 desired numbers
Note! Always inform your contacts when
adding them.
4. Press
5. Conrm the question
SMS transmission on or off.
1. Press
SOS Setting
2. Select
3. Select
Emergency SMS text
You can change the default text of the
emergency text message through their own
substitute (max. 50 characters)
1. Press
2. Select
SOS SMS text
3. Change or replace the text â
FM radio
To listen to the radio, you should connect
a compatible headset which acts as an
1. Press
2. Select
FM radio
3. Set the volume with the side keys
4. Select a Frequency by using the keys
5. Mute and unmute the radio with
6. Press
Channel list
- list of the saved channels.
Manual input
– to select a frequency
manually via ne tuning.
Auto. search
– radio station scan and
saving of the stations found.
Manual search
– to select a frequency
manually via ne tuning.
Background playback
If you select
, the radio will still be
on after leaving leaving the menu. To
deactivate it, stop the
in the menu
FM radio
Choose whether the loudspeaker shall
be on or the playback will take place
via the headset only when a headset is
Safety instructions
The unit and the accessories can contain small parts. Keep
all of the equipment out of the reach of small children.
The mains adapter is the disconnect device between the
product and mains power. The mains socket outlet must be
close to the equipment and easily accessible.
Network services and costs
Your device is approved for use on the
GSM 900/1800/1900 (Triband) MHz networks.
To use the device, you need a subscription with
a service provider.
Using network services may result in trafc
costs. Some product features require support
from the network, and you may need to
subscribe to them.
Operating environment
Follow the rules and laws that apply wherever
you are, and always turn off the unit whenever
its use is prohibited or can cause interference
or hazards. Only use the unit in its normal user
This unit complies with guidelines for radiation
when it is used either in a normal position
against your ear, or when it is at least 1.5 cm
from your body.
If the unit is carried close to your body in a
case, belt holder or other holder, these holders
should not contain any metal, and the product
should be placed at the distance from your body
specied above. Make sure that the distance
instructions above are followed until the transfer
is complete.
Parts of the unit are magnetic. The unit can attract
metal objects. Do not keep credit cards or other
magnetic media near the unit. There is a risk that
information stored on them can be erased.
Medical units
The use of equipment that transmits radio signals,
for example, mobile phones, can interfere with
insufciently protected medical equipment. Consult
a doctor or the manufacturer of the equipment to
determine if it has adequate protection against
external radio signals, or if you have any questions.
If notices have been put up at health care facilities
instructing you to turn off the unit while you are there,
you should comply. Hospitals and other health care
facilities sometimes use equipment that can be
sensitive to external radio signals
Implanted medical devices
To avoid potential interference, manufactur-
ers of implanted medical devices recommend
a minimum separation of 15 cm between a
wireless device and the medical device. Persons
who have such devices should:
Always keep the wireless device more than 15 cm
from the medical device.
Not carry the wireless device in a breast pocket.
Hold the wireless device to the ear opposite the
medical device.
If you have any reason to suspect that interference
is taking place, turn the phone off immediately. If
you have any questions about using your wireless
device with an implanted medical device, consult
your health care provider.
Areas with explosion risk
Always turn off the unit when you are in an
area where there is a risk of explosion. Follow
all signs and instructions. There is a risk of
explosion in places that include areas where
you are normally requested to turn off your
car engine. In these areas, sparks can cause
explosion or re which can lead to personal
injury or even death.
Turn off the unit at lling stations, and any
other place that has fuel pumps and auto repair
Follow the restrictions that apply to the use
of radio equipment near places where fuel is
stored and sold, chemical factories and places
where blasting is in progress. Areas with risk for
explosion are often – but not always – clearly
marked. This also applies to below decks on
ships; the transport or storage of chemicals;
vehicles that use liquid fuel (such as propane or
butane); areas where the air contains chemicals
or particles, such as grain, dust or metal powder.
Li-ion battery
This product contains a Li-ion battery. There
is a risk of re and burns if the battery pack is
handled improperly.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. To
reduce risk of re or burns, do not disassemble, crush,
puncture, short external contacts, expose to temperature
above 60° C (140° F), or dispose of in re or water.
Recycle or dispose of used batteries according to the local
regulations or reference guide supplied with your product.
Protect your hearing
Excessive exposure to loud sounds can cause
hearing damage.
Exposure to loud sounds while driving may
distract your attention and cause an accident.
Listen to a headset at a moderate level, and do not hold the
device near your ear when the loudspeaker is in use.
Emergency calls
Mobile phones use radio signals, the mobile phone network,
the terrestrial network and user-programmed functions. This
means that connection cannot be guaranteed in all circum-
stances. Therefore, never rely only on a mobile phone for
very important calls such as medical emergencies.
Radio signals can affect electronic systems
in motor vehicles (for example, electronic fuel
injection, ABS brakes, automatic cruise control,
air bag systems) that have been incorrectly
installed or are inadequately protected. Contact
the manufacturer or its representative for more
information about your vehicle or any additional
Do not keep or transport ammable liquids,
gases or explosives together with the unit or its
For vehicles equipped with air bags: Remember
that air bags ll with air with considerable force.
Do not place objects, including xed or portable
radio equipment in the area above the airbag or
the area where it might expand.
Serious injuries may be caused if the mobile
phone equipment is incorrectly installed and the
airbag lls with air.
It is prohibited to use the unit in ight. Turn
off the unit before you board a plane. Using
wireless telecom units inside a plane can pose
risks to air safety and interfere with telecommu-
nications. It may also be illegal.
Care and maintenance
Your unit is a technically advanced product
and should be treated with the greatest care.
Negligence may void the warranty.
Protect the unit from moisture. Rain/snowfall,
moisture and all types of liquid can contain
substances that corrode the electronic circuits. If
the unit gets wet, you should remove the battery
and allow the unit to dry completely before you
replace it.
Do not use or keep the unit in dusty, dirty envi-
ronments. The unit’s moving parts and electronic
components can be damaged.
Do not keep the unit in warm places. High tem-
peratures can reduce the lifespan for electronic
equipment, damage batteries and distort or melt
certain plastics.
Do not keep the unit in cold places. When the
unit warms up to normal temperature, condensa-
tion can form on the inside which can damage
the electronic circuits.
Do not try to open the unit in any other way than
that which is indicated here.
Do not drop the unit. Do not knock or shake
it either. If it is treated roughly the circuits and
precision mechanics can be broken.
Do not use strong chemicals to clean the unit.
The advice above applies to the unit, battery,
mains adapter and other accessories. If the
phone is not working as it should, please contact
the place of purchase for service. Don’t forget
the receipt or a copy of the invoice.
In case you need support during setup or usage of
your mobile phone you will nd the relevant contact
details on the following website:
If you detect a defect resulting from manufac-
turing and/or material faults within 24 months
from purchase, please contact your dealer.
The warranty does not apply for improper
treatment or failure to comply with information
contained in this user guide, for interference on
device executed by dealer or user (e. g. instal-
lations, software downloads,…) and for total
loss. Furthermore it does not apply to ingress of
liquids, use of force, non-maintenance, improper
operation or other circumstances caused by the
It also does not apply to failure caused by a thun-
derstorm or any other voltage uctuations.
The manufacturer reserves the right in this case
to charge the customer for replacement or repair.
For wear parts such as batteries, keyboard or
casing a restricted warranty period of 6 months
is valid. Manuals and possibly supplied software
are excluded from this warranty. Further or other
claims arising from the manufacturer’s warranty
are excluded.
Thus, there is no liability claim for business inter-
ruption, loss of prots, loss of data, additionally
installed software by user or other information.
The receipt with purchase date forms the
warranty proof.
Warranty and Service Information
If the goods is having a defect due to manufac-
turing and/or material defects within 24 months
of purchase (for batteries within 6 months)
please contact our Hotline:
0180 5 00 50 60
Mon. - Thur. 8 am - 5 pm
Fri. 8 am - 3:30 pm
Specic Absorption Rate (SAR)
This device meets applicable international safety
requirements for exposure to radio waves. The
highest SAR value under the ICNIRP guidelines
for use of the device at the ear is 0,364 W/kg
measured over 10 g tissue.
The maximum limit according to ICNIRP is
2.0 W/kg measured over 10 g tissue.
Declaration of Conformity
We hereby declare that Primo™ 366 is conform
to the essential requirements and other relevant
regulations contained in the Directives
1999/5/EC (R&TTE) and 2011/65/EC (RoHS).
A copy of the Declaration of Conformity is
available at

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Andere handleiding(en) van Doro Primo 366

Doro Primo 366 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Doro Primo 366 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Doro Primo 366 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 6 pagina's

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