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reusing the chocolate, let it melt au-bain-marie, don’t forget to add a bit of water
during melting.
You can add extra fl avour to the chocolate with liqueur. Add about 5 cl of liqueur to
500 g of chocolate.
You can also add other fl avours such as : cinnamon, coffee extract, almond,…
- Break 200 to 400 g of chocolate in to small pieces and place them in the ceramic
- Put the lid on the chocolate fondue and let the chocolate melt for about 5 min.
- Lift up the lid and stir the chocolate.
- Close the lid.
- Keep checking and stiring the chocolate at regular times.
- After 20 to 25 minutes the chocolate will be completely melted (depending on the
amount and the kind of chocolate)
NOTE : To keep the quality of the chocolate it is very important that the melting
temperature isn’t higher than 35°C. The appliance makes sure that the chocolate is
melted on the ideal temperature.
- We advise against the adding of liquids, this will make the chocolate to fl uid and
diffi cult to shape.
- When the chocolate is suffi ciently melted, use the large spoon to fi ll the moulds.
- It is important to fi ll up the mould completely and to make sure the chocolate is even.
- Place the moulds in a cool dry place , such as the fridge, to stiffen the chocolate.
- After appr. 2 hours the chocolate will be hard again.
- You can remove the chocolate from the mould by tapping lightly on the mould until
the chocolate comes out.
1. Accessories :
- several moulds
- big spoon : to fi ll the moulds
- spray fl ask : to add details and fi ne decorations
- White fork and spoon : to immerse food that can not be prodded with a fork.
- Bags to keep your chcolate.
2. Decoration
- Before adding the chocolate in the mould you can decorate the bottom of the mold
with , nuts, raisons,…
- When the chocolate is hard you can decorate further with white or milk chocolate by
using the spray fl ask.
- Appart from solid chocolate fi gures you can also make fi lled chocolate fi gures :

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