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Fig. 43
The electrical installation must be in
accordance with the national regulations
of the respective countries.
The connection cables must be routed in a
way to prevent contact with hot compo-
nents of the unit/burner or with sharp
Changes to the internal electrical installa-
tion or the connection of other electrical
components (e.g. external fan) to the
internal wiring of the appliance will render
the e1/ CE admittance as well as any
claims from warranty and product liability
* Specialised personnel are accredited experts who are
able, by virtue of their training and knowledge, to vouch
for the correct installation.
4.9 Electrical installation
The electrical installation shall be carried
out by qualified personnel only.
4.9.1 Mains connection
The power should be supplied by a pro-
perly grounded socket outlet or a groun-
ded non-detachable connection. Where a
socket outlet with mains supply is used,
the outlet must be freely accessible.
Should the connection cable be damaged,
have it replaced by Dometic Customer
Services or by qualified personnel to avoid
We recommend leading the power supply via a
board-side fuse protection.
4.9.2 Battery connection
The machine's 12V connection cable is connec-
ted (observing correct polarity) to a terminal
strip. The wiring for the heating element (refer to
A, B wiring diagram connections; connection
cable white/red) must be direct and by the shor-
test possible route to the battery or electric
Cable cross sections and cable lengths :
caravan & Caravan (inside)
4 mm
(RML 8xxx = 6 mm
)< 6 m
6 mm
(RML 8xxx = 10 mm
)> 6 m
Caravan (outside)
min 2,5 mm
Provide a 16 A fuse to protect on-board 12 V
In order to ensure that the 12V power supply is
shut off when stopping the engine (otherwise
the battery would discharge within a few hours),
perform the power supply to the heating ele-
ment (cf. page 22, connection A/B in wiring dia-
gram) in a way to have the 12V supply only live
while the vehicle ignition is switched on.
The connection C/D (interior light, electronics,
cable black / violet) must be permanently provi-
ded by a 12V DC power supply to be protected
by a 2A fuse.
If the appliance is installed in a caravan the
respective leads for the 12V+ and 12V- con-
nections A/B and C/D must not be connec-
ted to each other on the caravan-side (EN

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Andere handleiding(en) van Dometic RML 8550

Dometic RML 8550 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands, Français - 72 pagina's

Dometic RML 8550 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 323 pagina's

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