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Camera Controls
Snapshot Button-
Use the Snapshot button to take digital pictures.
LED Flash lightFlashes to let you know when you have taken a picture
USB Connection-Connects the camera to your computer. Use the USB cable when you are ready to
download your images.
Display Screen-Indicates how many pictures you have taken.
Viewfinder-Center your subject in the Viewfinder.
Delete Button-Erase images from the camera memory.
Battery Compartment-Open the battery compartment to change the batteries.
Zur Aufnahme von Digitalfotos drücken.
LED-BlitzlichtBlitzt zur Bestigung, dass Du ein Foto aufgenommen hast.
USB-Port-Anschluss für das USB-Kabel zur Verbindung der Kamera mit dem Computer.
Display-Anzeige der Anzahl der aufgenommenen Fotos.
Sucher-Das aufzunehmende Bild sollte in der Mitte des Suchers stehen.
schtaste-Mit der Löschtaste werden Bilder im Kameraspeicher gelöscht.
Batteriefach-Verschluss-Nur öffnen, wenn die Batterie ausgetauscht werden soll.
Snapshot Toets-Om digitale foto's te maken.
LED KnipperlichtKnippert om aan te geven wanneer u een foto genomen heeft.
USB Poort-Sluit hier de USB kabel aan om uw camera met uw computer te verbinden.
Displayscherm-Geeft aan hoeveel foto's u genomen heeft.
Viewzoeker-Houd uw onderwerp in het midden van de Viewzoeker.
Wistoets-Gebruik de Wistoets om afbeeldingen uit het camerageheugen te wissen.
Vergrendeling van Batterijklepje- Open hiermee de batterijhouder als u de batterij wilt vervangen.
Touche instantané-Utilisez pour prendre des photos numériques.
Diode Clignotante
Clignote pour vous faire savoir quand vous avez pris une photo.
Port USB- Branchez le câble USB ici pour connecter l'appareil photo à votre ordinateur.
Écran d'Affichage-Indique combien de photos vous avez prises.
Viseur-Centrez votre sujet dans le viseur.
Touche Effacer-Utilisez la touche Effacer pour supprimer des images de la mémoire de l'appareil photo.
Verrou du Compartiment à Pile- Ouvrez le compartiment à piles lorsque vous voulez changer la pile.
Powering up the Camera
This camera is powered by one AAA alkaline battery (not included).
Only use the battery specified by the manufacturer.
You will need an adult to help you install the battery.
Note: Be sure to always download your images to the computer before removing
or replacing the battery or the pictures will be permanently lost!
To install the battery:
Note: To open the battery door, you will need a paper clip or thin pen.
1. Take the paper clip and use the end to press down on the door latch.
2. Holding the latch down, push the battery door up. The door will slide up
and spring open, allowing you to access the batteries.
3. Place the battery into the compartment. Be sure to match the (-) on the
battery with the (-) inside the compartment.
4. Slide the battery cover to its original position. The latch will automatically
engage and hold the door shut
Taking Pictures with the Camera
To take pictures with the camera:
1. Turn the camera on by pressing any button and waiting a moment.
2. Use the Viewfinder to locate the subject of your picture and hold the camera steady.
3. Press the Snapshot button located on the top of the camera to take the picture.
The camera will beep when the photo is taken.
Note: The counter on the display will increase by one each time you take a picture.
When the memory is full the camera will beep three times, and the display
will read FL (full).
Deleting Pictures from the Camera
Use the Delete button on the camera to erase images from the camera memory.
You can delete the last picture you took or you can delete all the photos on the camera.
To delete the last image you took, press the Delete button for one second.
To delete all images off the camera, press and hold the delete button for
more than two seconds. A long beep will play and the display will read 00.
Note: You can also delete pictures from your camera using the Photo
Downloader software.
Downloading Pictures from the Camera using the Photo Downloader.
The Photo Downloader is a software application that allows you to easily
download your photos to your computer.
1. Make sure the Photo Downloader software is installed on your computer.
2. Connect the camera to the PC using the supplied USB cable.
3. Launch the downloader by double-clicking the Photo Downloader icon on
your desktop.
4. Click the Download button in the application window. Your photos will
download to the default directory (My Documents/My Pictures/My Snapshots).
Once you have downloaded your photos to your computer, you can delete them
from the camera by clicking the Delete button in the application window.
Need additional help?
For additional product support visit our website at: www.digiblue.com
Safety Warning
Avoid spilling any liquid onto or into the player.
Do not leave the player in a location near heat sources; in a location subject to
direct sunlight, excessive dust, sand, moisture, rain or mechanical shock; on an
unlevel surface; or in a car with the windows closed during periods of excessive heat.
FCC Declaration
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by
the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority
to operate the equipment.
Diese Kamera wird mit einer AAA-Alkali-Batterie (nicht mitgeliefert) betrieben. Bitte frage
einen Erwachsenen, um Dir beim Einsetzen der Batterie zu helfen. Es dürfen nur vom
Hersteller bezeichnete Batterien benutzt werden. Die Batterie muss mit der korrekten
Polarität eingesetzt werden.
HINWEIS: Lade die Bilder immer erst auf den Computer herunter, bevor die Batterie
ausgetauscht wird, anderenfalls gehen die Bilder dauerhaft verloren
Zum öffnen des Batteriefachs wird eine roklammer oder ein dünner Stift betigt.
1. Mit der Büroklammer wird der Verschluss der Klappe heruntergedrückt.
2. Die Klappe wird geöffnet, während der Verschluss heruntergedrückt wird. Die Klappe
öffnet sich und gibt den Zugang zur Batterie frei.
3. Setze nun die Batterie in das Batteriefach ein. Das auf der Batterie aufgedruckte (-) muss
auf der (-) im Batteriefach sitzen.
4. Schiebe das Batteriefach wieder zu. Der Verschluss rastet automatisch ein und hält die
Klappe geschlossen.
Snapshot Button
Snapshot Toets
Touche instantané
Delete Button
Touche Effacer
Battery Compartment
Vergrendeling van
Verrou du
Compartiment à Pile
USB Connection
USB Poort
Port USB
LED Flashlight
LED Knipperlicht
Diode Clignotante
Display Screen
Écran d'Affichage

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