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RAC 4281
2. [ FM SCAN ] Button
3. [ RESET ] Button
4. Volume Control
5. Radio Power Indicator
6. [ OPEN ] Button
7. FM Telescopic Antenna
8. Speaker
9. [ SET ], [ DATE ],
[ START / STOP ] Button
10. [ MODE ] Button
11. [ SELECT ], [ ALARM ],
[ RESET ] Button
12. Battery Compartment
Alarm Clock Unit: Insert 1 x AG13 button cell into the button cell
compartment observing the correct polarities.
Radio & Light Unit: Insert 2 x AAA-size batteries and 3 x AG13 but-
ton cell into the battery compartment observing the correct polari-
1. Please read instructions before use.
2. Install batteries correctly observing the (+/-) polarity signs.
3. Always replace a complete set of batteries at the same time.
4. Never mix new and used batteries in the same compartment.
5. Remove exhausted batteries immediately.
6. Remove batteries when product is not in use.
7. Do not recharge and do not dispose of batteries in fire as they
may explode.
8. Ensure batteries are stored away from metal objects as contact
may cause a short circuit.
9. Keep button cell batteries out of reach of children, as they are a
choking hazard.
10. Please retain packaging for future reference.
1. Press the [MODE] button three times to enter time setting
mode and the second will be flashing.
2. Press the [SET] button once to set the second digit to zero.
3. Press the [SELECT] button again to move the cursor so the mi-
nute digit is flashing.
4. Press the [SET] button to adjust the minute digit.
5. Press the [SELECT] button again to move the cursor so the
hour digit is flashing.
6. Press the [SET] button to adjust the hour digit between the 12 /
24 - hour mode. (if the clock is in 12-hour mode, the display will
show an “A” for AM or “P’ for PM. If the clock is in 24-hour
mode, the display will show an “H” to indicate this. If the SET
button is press and hold down, the hour display will cycle
trough 12-hour and 24-hour mode every 24 hours.)
7. Press the [SELECT] button again to move the cursor to the
date digit.
8. Press the [SET] button to adjust the date digit.
9. Press the [SELECT] button to move the cursor so the month
digit is flashing.
10. Press the [SET] button to adjust the month digit.
11. Press the [SELECT] button again to move the cursor so the
day is flashing.
12. Press the [SET] button to move the day indicator to the correct
day. (If you are setting the Day-of-week for the first time or after
changing the clock battery, the Day-of-week indicator may not
be visible. Press the [SET] button once will make the indicator
13. Press the [MODE] button again to return to the normal time dis-
Press and hold the [DATE] button to display the date.
1. Press the [MODE] button twice to enter the alarm setting mode.
The hour digit will be flashing.
2. Press the [SET] button to adjust the hour digit.
3. Press the [SELECT] button again to move on to the minute
4. Press the [SET] button to adjust the minute digit.
5. Press the [MODE] button again to return to normal time display.
6. To check the time the alarm is set, press the [ALARM] button.
1. Press the [ALARM] and [SET] buttons simultaneously to turn
the alarm ON or OFF. When the alarm is turned ON, the clock
display will show a ” “ symbol.
2. The alarm will beep for 1 minute.
3. Press the [ALARM] button on turn off the alarm. The alarm will
activated the same time the next day.
When the unit has turned on automatically in “ALARM” mode, press
[SET] button for 1 second to stop the alarm for about 5 minutes.
After this period, the alarm will sound again automatically. The
snooze function may be used repeatedly.
Press and hold the [SELECT] and [MODE] buttons to turn on and
off the function. If all the 7 day-of-week indicators appear
), the Hourly Chime function is on.
1. Press the [MODE] button once to enter the stopwatch mode.
2. Press the [RESET] button to reset the counter to “0:00 00”
3. Press the [START/STOP] button to start the stopwatch, press it
again to stop it.
4. While the stopwatch is counting, press the [RESET] button to
stop the display counter, this places the unit in the LAP mode.
When the [RESET] button is pressed again, the display counter
will show the total elapsed from the start.
1. Fully extend the telescopic antenna.
2. Turn the VOLUME CONTROL in the midway position.
3. Press the [RESET] button to go to the low end of FM range.
4. Press the [FM SCAN] button to search forward station automa-
5. Turn off the radio after use.
Press on the MOOD LIGHT to turn ON / OFF the light.
1. This product may automatically reset in a high electrostatic en-
2. When error occurs, remove all the batteries and re-insert them
to resume normal operation.
You can help protect the environment! Please remember
to respect the local regulations: Hand in the non-working
electrical equipments to an appropriate waste disposal
In the event of technical problems, you can contact our hotline ser-
vice, Tel. 0900 00 1675 within Switzerland (cost via Swisscom at
time of going to print: CHF 2.60/min).
This equipment complies with the European EMV directive.
To view the complete Declaration of Conformity, please refer
to the free download available at our web site:
www.dexford.com V 1.0 / 21.06.2012

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