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Playback Music/Photo Files from PC or Music Server
- ASD-51W/51N can access Windows Media Player
to get
music, photos and playlists come from your PC.
- ASD-51W features Wi-Fi connectivity supporting IEEE802.11b
and g and Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) for an easier security
 [Supportedles]WMA,AAC
, MP3, WAV, FLAC for audio and
JPEG for photos
Internet Radio
You can access radio stations via “vTuner” service, and enjoy your
favourite music channels without a PC.
The ‘Party Mode’ Function: The Multi-zone Network Streaming
The ASD-51W/51N can supply same music (iPod / Internet Radio /
at the same time when connected to other DENON ‘Party Mode’
compliant products on the network.
GUI (Graphical User Interface) Operation
ASD-51W/51N provides an intuitive GUI with album artwork
via S-Video connection.
Multi language for both GUI and Meta Data are available.
(English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese)
iPod Command and Control
ASD-51W/51N has capability of control your iPod via remote
and playback music, photo slideshows and videos while also
recharging your iPod.
Digital Coaxial Output for iPod
Supported iPods/ iPod compatibles
The ASD-51W/51N supports any iPod equipped with a
Dock connector (except the 3rd and 4th generation, iPod mini,
and iPod Photo).
For latest compatible lists, please visit: www.denon.com/asd-51/
Supported web control
Supported IP control
*1: Windows Media Player version 11 or latest version is required.
*2: The access point needs to support WPS.
The same music, at the same time throughout your place
When you connect an ASD-51W/N to your AV receiver or HiFi system, not only does the music from your iPod
sound better, you can also use the ASD-51W to wirelessly connect - or the ASD-51N to wire-connect - to Internet
Radio, PC music or other network device. The ASD-51W/N also support Party Mode, a feature that lets you enjoy
the same music in each room at the same time.
*iPod not included
*Screen image simulated
Control Dock for iPod
New model information

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Andere handleiding(en) van Denon asd 51n

Denon asd 51n Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 42 pagina's

Denon asd 51n Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

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