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HELPLINE No. U K / N.IRELAND 0800 328 6020 REP. IRELAND 00800 4467 5888
WEB SUPPORT info@dariolondon.com GT-ZSd-02
Congratulations on choosing a DELTA product
By doing so you now have the assurance and peace of mind that comes with purchasing a product
made by one of Europe’s leading manufacturers.
All products brought to you by DELTA are manufactured to the highest standards of performance
and safety, and, as part of our philosophy of customer service and satisfaction, are backed by our
comprehensive 3 Year Warranty.
We hope you will enjoy using your purchase for many years to come.
Carefully study the information below and keep these operating instructions at hand
in case you should want to check something later. If you hand the device on to other
persons, also include these operating instructions.
Intended use
The timer switch serves to automatically switch on and off electrical devices and is suited for indoor
use only. The timer switch is designed for domestic use.
Devices that may bear risks when being used without operator attention (e.g. terrace heater, iron,
fan feater, etc.) must not be connected to the switch.
Danger to children
z Keep children away from packaging material. Danger of choking if swallowed.
z Risk of injury
z Do not use the timer switch in explosion-prone surroundings, e.g. in rooms with combustive
gases or dusts.
Danger caused by electricity
z Connect the device to a properly installed mains outlet with earthing conductors whose voltage
corresponds to the "Technical data".
z Ensure your hands are dry when operating the timer switch.
z Maintain free access to the wall outlet.
z Do not use the timer switch if it is obviously damaged or does no longer function correctly.
z Unplug the timer switch from the mains before cleaning the switch or its connected device.
z Do not modify the timer switch. Only have a electrician's make repairs if necessary. Adhere to
the warranty conditions
E43247 Digitale Zeitschaltuhr Innen Aldi UK.book Seite 3 Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010 3:07 15

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