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14 CAUTION: Safety Instructions
www.dell.com | support.dell.com
Air Travel
Certain Federal Aviation Administration regulations and/or airline-specific restrictions
may apply to the operation of your Dell computer while you are on board an aircraft. For
example, such regulations/restrictions may prohibit the use of any personal electronic
device (PED) that has the capacity for intentional transmission of radio frequency or
other electromagnetic signals while on an aircraft.
In order to best comply with all such restrictions, if your Dell portable computer is
equipped with Dell TrueMobile™ or some other wireless communication device,
please disable this device before you board the aircraft and follow all instructions
provided by airline personnel with regard to such device.
Additionally, the use of any PED, such as a portable computer, may be prohibited in
aircraft during certain critical phases of flight, for example, takeoff and landing. Some
airlines may further define the critical flight phase as any time the aircraft is below
3050 m (10,000 ft). Please follow the airline’s specific instructions as to when the use
of a PED is allowed.
EMC Instructions
Use shielded signal cables to ensure that you maintain the appropriate electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) classification for the intended environment. For parallel printers, a cable
is available from Dell. If you prefer, you can order a cable from Dell at its worldwide website at
Static electricity can harm electronic components inside your computer. To prevent static
damage, discharge static electricity from your body before you touch any of your computer’s
electronic components, such as a memory module. You can do so by touching an unpainted
metal surface on the computer’s input/output panel.
WARNING: Handling the cord on this product, or cords associated with accessories sold with
this product, will expose you to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
Wash your hands after handling the cord.
CAUTION: Safety Instructions

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