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12 CAUTION: Safety Instructions
www.dell.com | support.dell.com
To help avoid the potential hazard of electric shock, do not connect or disconnect any
cables or perform maintenance or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical
storm. Do not use your computer during an electrical storm unless all cables have been
disconnected and the computer is operating on battery power.
If your computer includes a modem, the cable used with the modem should be
manufactured with a minimum wire size of 26 American wire gauge (AWG) and an
FCC-compliant RJ-11 modular plug.
Before you open the memory module cover or Mini PCI card/modem cover on the bottom
of your computer, disconnect all cables from their electrical outlets and disconnect the
telephone cable.
If your computer has both a modem RJ-11 connector and a network RJ-45 connector,
which look alike, make sure you insert the telephone cable into the RJ-11 connector, not
the RJ-45 connector.
•PC Cards may become very warm during normal operation. Use care when removing PC
Cards after their continuous operation.
Before you clean your computer, disconnect the computer from the electrical outlet.
Clean your computer with a soft cloth dampened with water. Do not use liquid or aerosol
cleaners, which may contain flammable substances.
Use only the Dell-provided AC adapter approved for use with this computer. Use of
another AC adapter may cause a fire or explosion.
Before you connect the computer to an electrical outlet, check the AC adapter voltage
rating to ensure that the required voltage and frequency match the available power
To remove the computer from all power sources, turn the computer off, disconnect the
AC adapter from the electrical outlet, and remove any battery installed in the battery bay
or module bay.
To help prevent electric shock, plug the AC adapter and device power cables into properly
grounded power sources. These power cables may be equipped with 3-prong plugs to
provide an earth grounding connection. Do not use adapter plugs or remove the
grounding prong from the power cable plug. If you use a power extension cable, use the
appropriate type, 2-prong or 3-prong, to mate with the AC adapter power cable.
CAUTION: Safety Instructions

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