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Mounting the Saw Blade (fi g. 1, 8–10)
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury, turn unit off
and disconnect machine from power source before
installing and removing accessories, before adjusting
or changing set-ups or when making repairs. Be sure
the trigger switch is in the OFF position. An accidental
start-up can cause injury.
WARNING: The teeth of a new blade are very sharp and
can be dangerous.
WARNING: Be aware the saw blade shall be replaced in
the described way only. Only use saw blades as specified
under Technical Data; Cat.no.: DT4320 is suggested.
1. Insert the 6 mm hex key (z) into the opposite location of the blade
shaft and hold it (fig. 8).
2. Loosen the blade bolt (f) by turning clockwise. Remove the blade
bolt (f) and the outer flange (e).
3. Press the lower guard lock up release lever (b) to raise the lower
blade guard (g) and remove the saw blade (h).
4. Install the new saw blade onto the shoulder provided on the inner
flange (gg) making sure that the teeth at the bottom edge of the
blade are pointing towards the fence (away from the operator).
5. Replace the outer flange (e), making sure that the location lugs (ss)
are engaged correctly, one on each side of the motor shaft.
6. Tighten the blade bolt (f) by turning anti-clockwise while holding the
6 mm hex key (z) engaged with your other hand (fig. 10).
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury, turn unit off
and disconnect machine from power source before
installing and removing accessories, before adjusting or
changing set-ups or when making repairs. Be sure the
trigger switch is in the OFF position. An accidental
start-up can cause injury.
Your mitre saw was accurately adjusted at the factory. If readjustment
due to shipping and handling or any other reason is required, follow the
steps below to adjust your saw. Once made, these adjustments should
remain accurate.
Adjusting the Traverse Bars for Constant Cutting
Depth (fi g. 1, 2, 11, 12)
The blade must run at a constant cutting depth along the full length of
the table and must not touch the fixed table at the rear of the slot or at
the front of the rotating arm. To achieve this, the traverse arms must be
perfectly parallel to the table when the saw head is fully depressed.
1. Press the lower guard lock up release lever (b) (fig. 1).
2. Press the saw head fully to the rear position and measure the
height from the rotating table (n) to the bottom of the outer flange
(e) (fig. 11).
3. Turn the saw head traverse lock (r) (fig. 2).
4. Keeping the saw head fully depressed, pull the head to the end of
its travel.
5. Measure the height indicated in figure 11 again. Both values should
be identical.
6. If adjustment is required, proceed as follows (fig.12):
a. Loosen the locknut (tt) in the bracket (uu) under the upper dust
extraction nozzle (q) and adjust the screw (vv) as required,
proceeding in small steps.
b. Tighten the locknut (tt).
WARNING: Always check that the blade does not touch
the table at the rear of the slot or at the front of the rotating
arm at 90° vertical and 45° bevel positions. Do not switch
on before having checked this!
Adjusting the Fence (fi g. 13)
Turn the sliding fence lock knob (i) anti-clockwise to loosen. Move the
sliding fence (p) to a position that avoids the blade cuts it,then tighten
the fence lock knob by turning clockwise.
Checking and Adjusting the Blade to the Fence
(fi g. 2, 14, 15)
1. Slacken the mitre latch (m).
2. Place your thumb on the mitre arm (l) and squeeze the mitre latch
(m) to release the rotating table/mitre arm (n).
3. Swing the mitre arm until the latch locates it at the 0° mitre position.
4. Pull down the head and lock it in this position using the lock down
button (w).
5. Check that the two 0° markings (ww) on the mitre scale (o) are just
6. Place a square (xx) against the left side of the fence (p) and
blade (h).
WARNING: Do not touch the tips of the blade teeth with
the square.
7. If adjustment is required, proceed as follows:
a. Loosen the screws (yy) and move the scale/mitre arm assembly
left or right until the blade is at 90° to the fence as measured
with the square (fig. 14).
b. Retighten the screws (yy).
Checking and Adjusting the Blade to the Table
(fi g. 16–19)
1. Loosen the bevel clamp handle (t) (fig. 16).
2. Press the saw head to the right to ensure it is fully vertical and
tighten the bevel clamp handle.
3. Place a set square (xx) on the table and up against the blade (h)
(fig. 17).
WARNING: Do not touch the tips of the blade teeth with
the square.
4. If adjustment is required, proceed as follows:
a. Loosen the bevel clamp handle (t) and turn the vertical position
adjustment stop screw (zz) in or out until the blade is at 90° to
the table as measured with the square.
b. If the bevel pointer (a1) does not indicate zero on the bevel scale
(u), loosen the screws (a2) that secure the scale and move the
scale as necessary.
Checking and Adjusting the Bevel Angle
(fi g. 1, 18, 19)
The bevel override allows the max. bevel angle to be set at 45° or 48°
as required.
Left = 45°
Right = 48°
1. Make sure the override knob (a3) is located in the left position.
2. Loosen the bevel clamp handle (t) and move the saw head to the
3. This is the 45° bevel position.
4. If adjustment is required, turn the stopscrew (a4) in or out as
necessary until the pointer (a1) indicates 45°.
WARNING: The guide grooves can become clogged with
sawdust. Use a stick or some low pressure air to clear the
guide grooves.
Prior to Operation
Install the appropriate saw blade. Do not use excessively
worn blades.The maximum rotation speed of the tool
must not exceed that of thesaw blade.
Do not attempt to cut excessively small pieces.
Allow the blade to cut freely. Do not force.
Allow the motor to reach full speed before cutting.
Make sure all locking knobs and clamp handles are tight.
Secure the workpiece.

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