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Descale as described in the following paragraph.
•Empty the water from the tank and internal circuit by extrac-
ting and opening the two hoses inside the rear door (fig. 39).
Operate the appliance with the water tank empty in fan only
mode for about half an hour. This dries any water remaining
inside the appliance.
•Turn the appliance off and unplug from the mains.
Remove the air exhaust hose.
Clean the dust filters and (in certain models) the air purifying
Place the power cable in the special rear cable compart-
ment (fig. 40).
Cover the appliance to avoid dust.
When using the appliance in water mode, lime scale will inevi-
tably form and must be removed to maintain efficiency. After
about 500 hours of operation, the appliance therefore warns that
descaling is required by displaying the message
Descale the appliance.
•Turn off the appliance and unplug from the mains. Empty all
water from the inside of the appliance through the drain
hoses (fig. 39).
•Close and replace the drain hoses. Pour 0.5 l of descaler (one
bottle) and 1.5 l of clean water into the tank.
Plug in and operate the appliance in air conditioning mode
with the BOOST function selected until the "no water"
symbol appears on the display.
•Turn off the appliance and unplug from the mains. Empty all
water from the inside of the appliance through the drain
•Close and replace the drain hoses. Pour 2 l of clean water into
the tank and rinse the internal circuits of dirt and descaler.
Plug in and operate the appliance until the "no water"
symbol appears on the display.
•Turn off the appliance and unplug from the mains. Empty all
rinsing water from the inside of the appliance through the
drain hoses.
If the water drained off is very dirty or contains large quanti-
ties of foam, repeat the rinsing operation.
Close the drain hoses and replace.
After descaling, reset the alarm by pressing the button for
10 seconds.
The descaler can be
bought from your local
De'longhi service centre.
Always use original
descaler. Use of other pro-
ducts could damage
internal components and
invalidate the guarantee.

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi pac w10ah

DeLonghi pac w10ah Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

DeLonghi pac w10ah Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

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