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1) Read the instructions carefully
2) The appliance contains pressurised steam.
Incorrect or improper use could be dangerous.
The appliance is designed for household use
only as described in the manual. The manufac-
turer declines all liability for damage deriving
from improper use of the product.
3) Do not leave the appliance unsupervised when
plugged into the mains.
4) After use and before cleaning the appliance or
carrying out maintenance, always unplug from
the mains.
5) Before use, make sure the mains voltage corre-
sponds to the voltage indicated on the rating
plate on the bottom of the appliance. 6) Plug the
appliance into an efficiently earthed socket with
a minimum rating of 10 A.
7) Never direct the steam jet towards power soc-
kets or appliances containing electrical compo-
nents such as those inside ovens. They could be
8) Never direct the steam jet towards the applian-
9) Never unplug the appliance by pulling the
power cable or appliance itself. Do not touch
the plug with wet hands.
10)Do not run the appliance over the power cable.
Avoid closing the door on the cable or rubbing
it over sharp edges. Keep it away from hot sur-
Never place the appliance in a vertical posi-
tion. Always keep the appliance in a horizon-
tal position when in use.
11)When filling the tank, never place the applian-
ce under the tap to add water.
12)Avoid the steam coming into contact with the
skin. The high temperature could cause serious
burns. Never direct the steam jet towards per-
sons or animals or towards surfaces or objects
with could be damaged by high temperatures.
13)To move the appliance, hold it by the handgrip.
As it contains a steam generator, surfaces beco-
me hot during use. Persons affected by particu-
lar pathologies causing abnormal sensitivity to
heat should take special care when using this
14)Do not add detergent to the tank. Use water
15)Never wash the appliance with triethylene or
other solvents. Clean with a damp cloth and
normal washing up liquid only. NEVER immer-
se the appliance in water.
16)Take the utmost care when using the appliance
to clean stairs.
17)If not used for long periods, you are recommen-
ded to evaporate the water completely before
putting the appliance away.
18)Keep the appliance out of reach of children or
persons not capable of using it without supervi-
19)Do not use the appliance if it appears to be
faulty. Contact your local dealer or an authori-
sed service centre.
20)Protect the appliance from atmospheric agents
(rain, frost, sun, etc).
21)For all repairs contact your dealer or an autho-
rised service centre to maintain the efficiency of
your appliance and the validity of the guaran-
tee. For the same reasons, you are always
recommended to use original spare parts.
22)Each appliance is tested to make sure it works
perfectly. Drops of water may therefore be seen
through the water level viewing window (H).
23)If the power cable is damaged, it must be repla-
ced by the manufacturer, an authorised service
centre or a qualified electrician in order to eli-
minate all risk.

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi XVT3000

DeLonghi XVT3000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

DeLonghi XVT3000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

DeLonghi XVT3000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

DeLonghi XVT3000 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 3 pagina's

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