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Read the warnings carefully.
When defrosting or cleaning, use only the implements recommended by the manufactu-
The appliance must be placed in a room without continuously operating sources of ignition
(for example: open flames, an operating gas appliance or an operating electric heater).
Do not pierce or burn.
Refrigerant gas may be odourless.
The appliance must be installed, used and stored in a room with a surface area greater
than 15 m
This appliance contains about 300 g of R290 refrigerant gas.
R290 refrigerant gas complies with European environmental directives. Do not perforate
any of the components in the refrigerant circuit.
If the appliance is installed, used or stored in an unventilated room, the room must be such
as to prevent stagnation of possible leaks of refrigerant gas as there could be a danger of
fire or explosion hazard should the refrigerant come into contact with electric heaters, sto-
ves or other sources of ignition.
The appliance must be stored in such a way as to prevent mechanical faults.
Persons working on a refrigerant circuit must have the relative authorisation issued by an
accredited body certifying their competence to handle refrigerants in compliance with a
standard assessment recognised by sector associations.
All repairs must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Maintenance and repairs requiring the assistance of other qualified personnel must be car-
ried out under the supervision of specialists in the use of inflammable refrigerants.
* Verify the type of refrigerant gas used in your appliance on the rating plate.
At the end of its working life, the product must not be disposed of as urban waste.
It must be taken to a special local authority differentiated waste collection centre
or to a dealer providing this service.
Disposing of a household appliance separately avoids possible negative conse-
quences for the environment and health deriving from inappropriate disposal and
enables the constituent materials to be recovered to obtain significant savings in
energy and resources.As a reminder of the need to dispose of household applian-
ces separately, the product is marked with a crossed-out wheeled dustbin.
Before plugging the appliance into the mains socket, check that:
the mains power supply corresponds to the value indicated on the rating plate on the back
of the appliance;
the power socket and electrical circuit are adequate for the appliance.
the mains socket matches the plug. If this is not the case, have the plug replaced;
the mains socket is adequately earthed. Failure to follow these important safety instructions
absolves the manufacturer of all liability.

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi PACW160A

DeLonghi PACW160A Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

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