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Safety precautions
This appliance may become a safety
hazard if these instructions and safety
precautions are ignored. Keep this instruc-
tion manual.
In case of an emergency remove plug from
power socket immediately.
This appliance is a beverage preparation
This product has been designed for domes-
tic use only. In case of any commercial use,
inappropriate use or failure to comply with
the instructions, the manufacturer accepts
no responsibility and the guarantee will not
Capsules. If away for prolonged periods, on
holiday, etc. the appliance must be emptied,
cleaned and unplugged.
Mains voltage must be the same as the details
on the rating plate. Connect the appliance to
power sockets with an earth connection. The
use of incorrect connection voids guarantee.
Do not place power cord close to heat, sharp
edges, etc. Do not allow mains cord to dangle
(risk of tripping up). Never touch cord with wet
hands. Do not unplug by pulling the cord. In
case of damage, do not use the appliance. In
order to avoid danger, arrange repairs and/
or replacement of power cord by NESCAFÉ
DOLCE GUSTO Hotline only.
Do not place the appliance on a hot surface
(e.g. heating plate) and never use it close to
an open ame.
Do not use the machine if it is not operating
perfectly or if there is evidence of damage.
In such cases inform the NESCAFÉ DOLCE
GUSTO Hotline.
For health reasons, always ll the water tank
with fresh potable water. Always close extrac-
tion head with capsule holder, and never open
during operation. The appliance will not work
if no capsule holder is inserted. Do not pull up
lever before ON/OFF switch stops blinking red.
Do not put ngers under outlet during bever-
age preparation. To avoid injury, do not touch
the needle of the head. Never leave the ap-
pliance while making a beverage. Do not use
appliance without drip tray and drip grid, ex-
cept when a very tall mug is used. Do not use
appliance for hot water preparation. Do not
overll water tank. Keep appliance and all of
its accessories out of reach of children. Never
carry the machine by the extraction head.
Do not dismantle appliance and do not put
anything into openings. Any operation, clean-
ing and care other than normal use must be
undertaken by after-sales service centres
In case of intensive use without allowing
sufcient cooling time, the appliance will
stop functioning temporarily with the red
indicator light blinking. This is to protect
your appliance from overheating. Switch
the appliance off for 30 minutes to let it
cool down.
This appliance is not intended for use by:
children; or persons who may suffer from
a mental and/or physical impairment - un-
less they are adequately supervised in its
operation and use. Persons who have a lim-
ited or no understanding of the operation and
use of this appliance must rst read and fully
understand the contents of this user manual,
and where appropriate seek additional guid-
ance on its operation and use from the person
responsible for their safety.
The capsule holder is equipped with two
permanent magnets.
Avoid placing capsule holder near appliances
and objects that can be damaged by magnet-
ism, e.g. credit cards, diskettes and other data
devices, video tapes, television and compu-
ter monitors with picture tubes, mechanical
clocks, hearing aids and loud speakers.
Patients with pacemakers or debrillators:
Do not hold capsule holder directly over
pacemaker or debrillator.
Before cleaning/care unplug the appliance
and let it cool down. Empty and clean drip
tray and capsule bin daily. Never clean wet
or immerse plug, cord or appliance in any
uid. Never clean the appliance with running
water, do not hose it down and do not dip it
into water. Never use detergents to clean the
Clean the appliance only using soft sponges/
brushes. The water tank must be cleaned with
a baby bottle brush.
After descaling rinse the water tank and clean
the machine to avoid any residual descaling
After use of the appliance always remove
the capsule and clean the head according to
cleaning procedure. Users allergic to dairy
products: Rinse head according to cleaning
procedure (see page 9). Dispose of used cap-
sules along with general household refuse.
This is a household appliance only - it is not
intended to be used :
- in sta kitchen areas in shops, oces and
other working environments;
- in farm houses;
- by clients in hotels, motels, and other resi-
dential type environments;
- in bed and breakfast type environments.
Packaging is made of recyclable materials.
Contact your local council/authority for further
information on recycling.
Environment protection rst!
Your appliance contains valuable
materials which can be recovered or
recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste
collection point. This appliance is la-
belled in accordance with European Directive
2002/96 EC concerning used electrical and
electronic appliances equipment – WEEE).
The directive determines the framework for
the return and recycling of used appliances as
applicable throughout the EU.
The Advance Recycling Fee (ARF) will be
charged in accordance with the ocial ARF
tari list FEA-S.EN.S. It is included in the rec-
ommended sales price (RSP incl. VAT/ARF).
Please be aware that the appliance is using
electricity being in ready mode (0.4 W/hour).

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