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- prawns 16/20
- parsley to taste
- lemons 2
- salt to taste
- pepper to taste
- garlic cloves 2
Prepare the marinade: chop the garlic and parsley nely,
add the lemon juice, salt and a sprinkling of pepper.
Wash the prawns, dry well and leave to marinate for at least
half an hour.
Insert the ribbed plate at the bottom and the smooth one at
the top, then put the grill in CONTACT GRILL mode.
Adjust the bottom thermostat dial to 210°C and the top dial
to 210°C. Press the START/STOP button to preheat the grill.
When READY is displayed, place the drained prawns on the
bottom plate, press with the top plate and cook for about
4-6 min. To serve, decorate the plate with lemon slices and
green salad.
- salmon llet 500 g
- olive oil to taste
- Greek yoghurt 250 g
- garlic clove 1
- salt 1 tsp
- sugar 1 pinch
- chives 20 g
- parsley 20 g
- white pepper to taste
Prepare the sauce: wash the parsley and chives and dry
thoroughly, chop the garlic separately.
Pour the yoghurt into a bowl, add the herbs, garlic, salt,
sugar and pepper and blend to a smooth cream. Place in
the refrigerator and leave for at least 30 min. Insert the
smooth plate at the bottom and the ribbed one at the top,
then put the grill in OVEN GRILL mode. Adjust the bottom
thermostat dial to 230°C and the top dial to 230°C. Press
the START/STOP button to preheat the grill. When READY
is displayed, place the previously oiled llet on the bottom
plate, close the top plate in OVEN GRILL mode (as near as
possible to the food without touching it) and cook for about
25-30 min. (for best results, turn the salmon through 180°
about halfway through cooking as towards the back, the
plate is nearer the food). When cooked, place the salmon
on a serving plate and serve with the yoghurt sauce.
- large squid 400 g
- lemon 1
- parsley 1 sprig
- olive oil to taste
- oregano to taste
- salt to taste
- chilli pepper powder to taste
Prepare the squid by removing the intestines, head and
bone, then rinse thoroughly. Insert the ribbed plate at the
bottom and the smooth one at the top, then put the grill
in CONTACT GRILL mode. Adjust the bottom thermostat
dial to 210°C and the top dial to 210°C. Press the START/
STOP button to preheat the grill. When READY is displayed,
place the previously oiled squid on the bottom plate, press
with the top plate and cook for about 10-12 min. In a bowl,
prepare the avouring by mixing the oil with the chopped
parsley, lemon juice, a pinch of oregano, a pinch of salt and
a pinch of chilli pepper.
When the squid is cooked, remove from the grill and avour
with the sauce. Compose the dish and serve.
- banana 1
- eggs 2 (1 whole + 1 white)
- milk 150 ml
- plain our 100 g
- butter 70 g
- salt to taste
- sugar 1 dsp
- baking powder 16 g
Peel the banana and mash well with a fork. Beat the whole
egg and sugar in a bowl and add the milk slowly mixing

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi CGH1012D

DeLonghi CGH1012D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

DeLonghi CGH1012D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

DeLonghi CGH1012D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

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