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21/09/06 - 300003691-001-F GT 120 - GTU C 120 - GT 220
Congratulations on your choice of a high quality product. We strongly advise you to read the following instructions in order to
guarantee the optimal operation of your appliance. We are sure that it will be entirely to your satisfaction and will meet with all of
your expectations.
Important recommendations
For a proper operating of the boiler, follow carefully the
Any intervention on the appliance and heating equipment
must be carried out by a qualified technician.
The manufacturer is not liable for any improper use of the
appliance or failure to maintain or install the unit correctly
(the user shall take care to ensure that the system is
installed by a qualified fitter).
Check the seal on the gas and water pipe connections.
Check that the appliance is correctly regulated for the type
of combustible used.
Keep to the polarity shown on the terminals : phase (L),
neutral (N) and earth
To guarantee protection against the corrosion of domestic
hot water calorifiers fitted with a titanium anode (Titan
Active System® protection system), always leave the
control panel switched on. To switch off the heating or the
domestic hot water, use the Summer or Antifreeze mode.
1 Aeration
In order to avoid damage to the boiler, it is necessary to prevent the
contamination of combustion air by chlorine and/or fluoride
compounds, which are particularly corrosive. These compounds are
present, for example, in aerosol sprays, paints, solvents, cleaning
products, washing products, detergents, glues, snow clearing salts,
etc. Therefore:
- Do not suck in air evacuated from premises using such products:
hairdressing salons, dry cleaners, industrial premises (solvents),
premises containing refrigeration systems (risk of refrigerant
leakage), etc.
- Do not stock such products close to the boilers.
If the boiler and/or peripheral equipment are corroded by such
chloride or fluoride compounds, the contractual guarantee
cannot be applied.
1.1 Chimney versions - Chimney condensation versions
Position the air inlets in relation to the high ventilation vents in order
that the air is refreshed throughout the boiler room.
The minimum cross-sections and the positions of the fresh air inlet
and the air outlet must comply with prevailing regulations.
Do not obstruct the air inlets in the room (even partially).
1.2 Forced flue versions (Not available in Germany)
- GTU 120 FF boilers are in compliance with the standard for fuel oil
boilers type C (XPD 35-430). They can be installed in all kinds of
premises whatever their volume, even if they do not include a
window or framed opening.
- They may be commissioned only using devices sold by De Dietrich
(particularly concentric flues, connecting parts, terminals).
Refer to the user instructions for the burner.

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Andere handleiding(en) van De Dietrich GTU C 120

De Dietrich GTU C 120 Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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