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Safety precautions
Please read the information in this instruction
leaflet carefully. It gives all the information you
need for safety, installation, use and
guarantees for the appliance. We advise you to
keep this leaflet and to pass it on to the new
owner if you sell the machine.
Please be sure to comply with the information
below, so that we can fulfil our responsibilities :
- Dispose of the packaging in a suitable
manner and comply with legal standards
regarding protection of the environment.
- If there is any visible damage to the machine,
do not connect it to the mains power supply,
but contact your supplier.
- The machine must be located in a frost-free
environment. In the event of frost, the hydraulic
components may be damaged.
- The inlet and outlet pipes must be connected
in accordance with the leaflet. Incorrect
connections can lead to damage.
- In order to ensure good stability, flush-fitting
machines must be installed under a continuous
work top fixed to the adjoining cabinets.
- Do not climb or lean on the door of the
dishwasher when it is open. The machine can
overbalance or be damaged.
- The machine is designed as a dishwasher
and must not be used for any other purpose.
- We advise you to only use dishwasher
products and not solvents.
- You should store dishwasher products as well
as other cleaning products out of the reach of
children. These products have a corrosive
effect on the mouth and pharynx if they are
- Keep dishwasher products as well as other
cleaning products out of reach of children.
These products, if they are swallowed, have a
corrosive effect in the mouth and pharynx.
- If the machine does not operate correctly for
reasons other than those mentioned in this
leaflet, disconnect the machine from the mains
power supply (pull out the plug) or disconnect
the fuse in the circuit concerned and contact
our after-sales service.
- Broken machines should be taken to the
closest recycling centre. Destroy the door
closing system so it no longer works (children
may close themselves in whilst playing and
suffocate). Cut the electric cable after having
removed the plug from the socket.
- You are strongly advised to disconnect the
machine after use and turn off the water
- Do not allow children to play with the machine
or handle it.
- The water inside the machine is not drinkable.
- When the machine is running, do not open
the door. This may provoke important steam
leakage or splattering of water.
08643B-p24-34-GB.qxd 11/04/02 13:23 Page 25

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