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cloth and dry before storing. Wipe heating plate
with a clean, damp cloth. Never use rough,
abrasive materials or cleansers to clean the
resting plate. Do not dry the inside of the water
reservoir with a cloth, as lint may remain.
Decalcification refers to removing the calcium
deposits which form over time on the metal
parts of the coffeemaker.
For best performance from your coffeemaker,
decalcify the base unit from time to time. The
frequency depends upon the hardness of your
tap water and how often you use the
To clean, fill the water reservoir to capacity
with a mixture of
of white vinegar and
water. Press the Grind Off button, and turn
the coffeemaker on by pressing the On button.
One cycle should be sufficient to adequately
clean the coffeemaker. When the cycle is
completed and the five beeps sound, turn
coffeemaker off. Repeat operation, this time
using fresh cold water.
Hopper not locked in place
(when brewing with whole
Check to see if the hopper container release knob is in the unlocked
• Place the hopper container on the unit
Turn the knob to the locked position
• Press On/Off or Program again to resume
Filter door not closed Check to be sure that all components of the filter compartment are in place
Close filter door (you will hear a click if the door is properly shut)
• Press On/Off or Program again to resume
Filter basket not in place Open filter door by pressing the filter door release button
• Hook filter basket with cover onto door
Close filter door (you will hear a click if the door is properly shut)
• Press On/Off or Program again to resume
Filter basket cover not in
Open filter door by pressing the filter door release button
Put on cover, matching “grind” arrows
• Hook filter basket with cover onto door
Close filter door (you will hear a click if the door is properly shut)
• Press On/Off or Program again to resume
Filter Basket not emptied of
used grinds
Open filter door by pressing the filter door release button
• Remove filter basket with cover
Discard used grounds
• Replace filter basket with cover and close door
• Press On/Off or Program again to resume
Coffee is
weaker than
Coffee chute is clogged • Remove the hopper from the unit
• Lift coffee channel cover
• Clean out coffee chute
• Replace channel cover and hopper
Your coffeemaker is now ready to brew again
Not enough beans in hopper Be sure there are enough beans in your hopper for the amount of coffee you
intend to brew
Strength setting is incorrect Check your strength setting — displayed on the LCD screen
To change your strength settings press the strength control button

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cuisinart dgb900bcu bce

Cuisinart dgb900bcu bce Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 36 pagina's

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