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When using an electrical appliance, basic
precautions should always be followed to reduce
the risk of re, electric shock, and personal injury,
including the following:
1. Use this appliance only as described in this
manual. Other uses not recommended may
cause re, electric shock or personal injury.
2. This product is intended for household use
3. To protect against electric shock, do not
immerse unit, plug or cord in water or spray
with liquids.
4. Close supervision is necessary when any
appliance is used by or near children.
5. Unplug from the outlet when not in use when
moving from one location to another, and
before cleaning.
6. To disconnect the appliance, grip the plug
and pull it from the wall outlet. Never pull
by the cord.
7. Do not operate the appliance in the presence
of explosive and/orammable fumes.
8. Do not place the appliance or any of its parts
near an opename, cooking or other heating
9. Do not operate the appliance with a damaged
cord or plug, if the product malfunctions, or
if it is dropped or damaged in any manner.
10. The use of attachments not recommended
by the manufacturer may be hazardous.
11. Place the unit on a dry level surface.
12. Do not operate if the housing is removed
or damaged.
13. A loose t between the AC outlet (receptacle)
and plug may cause overheating and a
distortion of the plug. Contact a qualied
electrician to replace loose or worn outlet.
14. This appliance is designed to be freestanding
only, and should not be recessed or built in
(fully recessed.)
15. Locate the unit away from direct sunlight and
sources of heat (stove, heater, radiator, etc.).
Direct sunlight will affect/alter the outside
color of the appliance.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, electric
shock or personal injury, unplug or disconnect
the appliance from the power supply before
For your protection, this unit is equipped with
a 3-conductor cord set that has a molded
3-prong grounding-type plug, and should be
used in combination with a properly connected
grounding-type outlet as shown in gure A.
If a grounding-type outlet is not available, an
adapter, shown in Figure B, may be obtained
so that a 2-slot wall outlet can be used with
a 3-prong plug. As shown in Figure C, the
adapter must be grounded by attaching its
grounding lug under
the screw of the
outlet cover plate.
NOTE: Do not
remove the
grounding prong.
using an adapter,
it must be
determined that
the outlet cover
plate screw is
properly grounded.
If in doubt, consult
a licensed
electrician. Never
use an adapter
unless you are
sure it is properly
Note: Use of an
adapter is not
permitted in

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