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Tempura Rack
tempura rack
can be used when preparing pan-fried dishes or to simply keep
cooked foods warm but away from direct contact with the pan. Use the
to allow excess oil from pan-fried foods to drip back into the pan. The
tempura rack
rests on the rim of the wok.
4. Insert the
temperature control probe
into the socket on one side of the wok.
To remove the
temperature control probe
make sure it is in the OFF setting and the
power cord has been removed from the
wall outlet, then simply pull the probe out
to remove.
5. Place the
near the wok if you intend to use them
while cooking.
6. Plug the cord into a power outlet.
Once the wok is assembled properly you are ready to begin cooking.
1. Turn the temperature control knob from the OFF setting to the desired
temperature setting by turning the knob.
The temperature control is used to set and maintain the temperature of the
wok. The temperature control knob has a WARM setting and 6 temperature
settings that range from 200° to 450°F.
You may vary the setting of the control knob at any time during cooking,
and may wish to do so depending on the types of foods you are cooking.
The WARM setting allows you to keep cooked foods moist and warm until
you are ready to eat.
When the temperature control knob is turned from the OFF setting to the
WARM setting or any other temperature setting, the red indicator light will
be illuminated. When the wok reaches temperature the indicator light will
turn off. This signals that the wok is ready for cooking. During operation,
the red indicator light will continue to turn on and off as the thermostat
regulates the temperature. This is normal.
2. For some recipes the wok will need to be covered to contain liquid, steam,
heat or moisture. Place the cover on top of the wok as needed. When
removing the cover from the wok be sure to use an oven mitt as the handle
will become hot during cooking.
3. When finished cooking, turn the temperature control knob to the OFF
setting. Unplug the wok from the wall outlet and pull the temperature
control probe out of the base.
CAUTION: Do not touch wok with bare hands during cooking. Use oven mitts to
handle the wok during and immediately after cooking. Once you have finished
cooking allow the wok to completely cool down for at least 30 minutes before
cleaning or disassembling the unit.
NOTE: The first time you use your wok it may have a slight odor and may smoke
a bit. This is normal and common to appliances with a nonstick surface.
The wok is one of the most efficient cooking tools for the kitchen. You can pre-
pare a variety of foods in your wok when you use it to stir-fry, steam, simmer or
braise. We have included a brief explanation of each of these cooking methods
along with some tips and hints for using your wok.
Stir-frying is a cooking method that originated in China and calls for a variety of
ingredients that are cooked over high heat. Woks are perfect for stir-fry cooking
because they distribute heat evenly and get very hot. The depth and shape of a
wok is conducive to preparing stir-fried meals, as it allows you to move the food
quickly around the wok while minimizing spills.
Cuisinart has included two wooden spatulas with your wok that are excellent
tools for stir-frying. The spatulas will help you to keep the food in motion over the
heat. Remember that the wok is very hot and it is important to keep the food
moving at all times to prevent scorching.
04CU13116 WOK-730 IB 6/22/04 10:41 AM Page 5

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