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1. Place base on a flat clean
surface where you intend
to cook. Locate the
release switch
on one
corner of the base (Fig. A).
Place your index finger
and middle finger inside the open
channel and pull out the release
bar (Fig. B).
The button in the center of the bar will
pop up. The
wok release switch
be in the open position before placing
the wok onto the base.
2. To secure the wok to the base,
hold the wok directly over the
base lining up the probe socket
area with the appropriate cutout
in the base (Fig. C). Place the
wok onto the base.
Locate the
wok release switch
on the base. Push in the button
on the release bar (Fig. D).
The bar will slide back into its original
position locking the wok to the base
(Fig. E).
To remove the wok from the
base, make sure that the
power cord has been
unplugged from the wall outlet
and the
temperature control
has been remove
from the wok. Locate the
wok release switch
on the base. Place your index finger
and middle finger inside the open channel and pull out the release bar. The but-
ton in the center of the bar will pop up. Lift the wok up to remove.
3. Your wok includes a
steamer rack
and a
tempura rack
that can be used
depending upon the types of foods you are preparing.
Steamer Rack
steamer rack
is used when
preparing steamed dishes. If you
intend to use the wok for steam-
ing, the
steamer rack
should be
placed on the bottom of the wok
with the triangle-shaped feet fac-
ing down. The
steamer rack
rest a couple of inches above the
bottom surface of the wok.
04CU13116 WOK-730 IB 6/22/04 10:41 AM Page 4

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