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Chicken and Ginger
Ginger is the star in this lighter alternative to the
traditional pork dumpling.
Makes 48 dumplings
¾ pound ground chicken (dark meat)
or turkey
3 tablespoons fresh chopped ginger
(about a 2-inch piece)
2 tablespoons chopped green onion
1 tablespoon fresh chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon soy sauce (reduced sodium)
2 teaspoons sesame oil
½ teaspoon rice vinegar
Water and cornstarch for sealing
48 wonton wrappers
Nonstick cooking spray
1. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the
chicken, ginger, onion, cilantro, soy sauce,
sesame oil and vinegar. Mix well with hands or
a spoon.
2. Prepare a large, clean and at work surface
equipped with two small bowls, one with water
and the other with cornstarch and a pastry
3. Sprinkle the work surface with cornstarch
and arrange wonton wrappers in rows on the
work surface (starting with 2 rows of 3). Put 1
teaspoon of lling in the center of each wrapper.
Brush the edges of each wrapper with water
and then fold the wrapper in half, sealing in the
lling and also sealing together the damp edges.
Pull the edges on the long side of the triangle
together and seal. Continue with remaining lling
and wrappers. Toss the dumplings very lightly
with cornstarch as they sit.
4. Lightly coat the tray with nonstick cooking
spray. Arrange half of the dumplings on the
tray inside the steamer. Secure lid.
5. Select Manual, set timer for 10 minutes and
press Start. Once timer expires, remove and
repeat with the second batch of dumplings.
6. Serve dumplings with a soy dipping sauce,
such as the Asian Dipping Sauce on page 21.
Nutritional information per serving (6 dumplings):
Calories 245 (25% from fat) • carb. 29g • pro. 17g • fat 7g
• sat. fat 2g • chol. 49mg • sod. 377mg
calc. 40mg • fiber 1g
Steamed Artichokes
Artichokes are a sure sign of spring.
Simply steamed, they are delicious with our
recipes for Bagna Cauda or a Creamy Herb Mayo
for dipping. Try one or both sauces for a
memorable rst course.
Makes 4 servings
4 large globe artichokes
1. Trim artichokes to t the steamer by rst
cutting off the stems so the artichokes can
sit upright on the tray. Then trim 1 or 2 inches
off the top of the artichoke so the lid can be
secured. Remove rough outer leaves and snip
any remaining sharp tips with scissors.
2. Once all the artichokes are trimmed, put them
on the tray inside the steamer. Secure lid.
Select Vegetable, adjust timer to 40 minutes
and press Start. Once time expires, test one
artichoke leaf to conrm it is tender. For extra-
large artichokes, an extra 5 minutes might be
3. Serve artichokes immediately with melted
butter or the following dips: Bagna Cauda and
Creamy Herb Mayo. Once all leaves have been
removed, scrape the fuzzy choke and discard
to eat the heart.
Nutritional information per artichoke:
Calories 76 (2% from fat) • carb. 17g • pro. 5g • fat 0g
• sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 152mg
calc. 71mg • fiber 9g
12 13

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