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A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce
the risks of injury resulting from becoming en-
tangled in or tripping over a longer cord. Longer,
extension cords are available and may be used if
care is exercised in their use. If a longer exten-
sion cord is used:
1. The marked electrical rating of the cord set or
extension cord should be at least as great as
the electrical rating of the appliance.
2. The cord should be arranged so that it will not
drape over the countertop or tabletop where
it can be pulled on by children or tripped over
NOTICE: This appliance has a polarized plug
(one prong is wider than the other).To reduce the
risk of electric shock, this plug will t into a polar-
ized outlet only one way. If the plug does not t
fully into the outlet, reverse the plug.
If it still does not t, contact a qualied electri-
cian. Do not modify the plug in any way.
Place the box containing the Cuisinart
CookFresh™ Digital Glass Steamer on a at,
sturdy surface before unpacking. Open box and
remove instruction book and any printed materi-
als from top of box.
Remove packing materials and all components.
CAUTION: Remove glass bowl carefully.
Check the Features and Benets section to
ensure you’ve removed all parts. Place all pack-
ing materials back into the gift box andsave,in
the event that future shipping of the item is
Before using your Cuisinart
CookFresh™ Digital
Glass Steamer for the rst time, remove any
dust from shipping by wiping the housing, steam
tower, and control panel with a damp cloth.
The removable water reservoir, lid, steaming
pot and steaming tray should be hand-washed
in hot, sudsy water and thoroughly rinsed.
Before using your steamer, make sure it is 2 to
4 inches away from the wall or from any items
on the countertop. Do not use on heat-sensitive
surfaces. Do not use under cabinets.
Important Safeguards ......................................2
Unpacking Instructions....................................3
Features and Benets ......................................4
Getting to Know Your Control Panel ...............5
Cleaning and Storage
Descaling the Steamer
Helpful Hints
Steaming Guide
.......................................................... 11
2 3

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cuisinart STM-1000 CookFresh Digital Glass Steamer

Cuisinart STM-1000 CookFresh Digital Glass Steamer Recepten - English - 24 pagina's

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