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We warrant that this Cuisinart product will
be free of defects in material or workman-
ship under normal home use for 3 years
from the date of original purchase.
This warranty covers manufacturer’s
defects including mechanical and
electrical defects. It does not cover
damage from consumer abuse,
unauthorized repairs or modifications,
theft, misuse, or damage due to
transportation or environmental
conditions. Products with removed or
altered identification numbers will not be
This warranty is not available to retailers
or other commercial purchasers or own-
If your Cuisinart product should prove to
be defective within the warranty period,
we will repair it or replace it if necessary.
For warranty purposes, please register
your product online at www.cuisinart.ca to
facilitate verification of the date of original
purchase or keep your original receipt for
the duration of the limited warranty.
This warranty excludes damage caused
by accident, misuse or abuse, including
damage caused by overheating, and it
does not apply to scratches, stains,
discolouration or other damage to
external or internal surfaces that does not
impair the functional utility of the
tool/gadget. This warranty also expressly
excludes all incidental or consequential
If the appliance should become defective
within the warranty period, do not return
the appliance to the store. Please
contact our Customer Service Centre:
Toll-free phone number:
Cuisinart Canada
100 Conair Parkway
Woodbridge, Ont. L4H 0L2
To facilitate the speed and accuracy of
your return, please enclose:
product (cheque or money order)
proof of purchase
products return
* Product date code can be found on the
underside of the base of the product.
The product date code is a 4 or 5 digit
number. Example, 90630 would designate
year, month & day (2009, June 30th).
NOTE: We recommend you use a
traceable, insured delivery service for
added protection. Cuisinart will not be
held responsible for in-transit damage or
for packages that are not delivered to us.
To order replacement parts or
accessories, call our Customer Service
Centre at 1-800-472-7606.
For more information, please visit our
website at www.cuisinart.ca
offers an extensive assortment of top quality products to make life in the kitchen easier
than ever. Try some of our other countertop appliances and cookware, and Savor the Good Life
offre une vaste gamme de produits de grande qualité qui facilitent la vie dans la
cuisine comme jamais auparavant. Essayez nos autres appareils de comptoir et ustensiles
de cuisson et Savor the Good Life
©2011 Cuisinart Canada
100 Conair Parkway
Woodbridge, ON L4H 0L2
Consumer Call Centre E-mail:/
Centre d’appel des consommateurs
Printed in China/ Imprimé en Chine
Food Processors
Robots de
Ice Cream
Any trademarks or service marks of third
parties used herein are the trademarks or
service marks of their respective owners.
Toutes les autres marques de commerce ou
de service utilisées dans le présent document
appartiennent à leurs propriétaires respectifs.
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Andere handleiding(en) van Cuisinart MSC-800 Series

Cuisinart MSC-800 Series Recepten - English - 32 pagina's

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