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Cooking is simple with the Cook Central
4-in-1 Multicooker. Use the slow cooker
as you would a normal slow cooker, the
roaster as you would a normal oven and
brown/sauté as you would a skillet.
1. Select your cooking function.
2. Set your desired cooking time and
3. Press START/STOP to begin cooking.
4. To turn off the heater at any time during
cooking, press START/STOP.
NOTE: Always use pot holders during and
after cooking, and always lift the lid away
from you – the unit is hot.
Switching functions during cooking
is easy. Press the new cooking function
button and the unit will adjust to the
default settings for your selection. Set your
desired time and temperature as needed.
You can adjust cooking time or
temperature at any point with the Time/
Temperature Directionals.
There is no need to press START/STOP
to select new settings.
If you do not wish to program a time, the
unit will cook at the selected temperature
until you manually turn the heater off. The
heater will turn off after the maximum
allowable cooking time for the selected
function has been reached.
NOTE: Do not leave the unit on 500°F for
over 1 hour prolonged heat at this high
temperature can harm the nonstick coating
or overheat the unit.
The multicooker is equipped with a power-
saving Sleep mode that will turn off the
lights if there is no use. The unit will also
enter this mode if you manually stop
cooking. Press any button to “wake up”
the unit and operate as normal.
1. Press BROWN/SAUTÉ. A preset
temperature of 350°F will flash, as this
is the most commonly used Brown/
Sauté temperature.
2. Press Temperature Directionals to select
a different temperature (from 250°F to
3. Press the START/STOP button to begin
preheating. Selected temperature will
flash during heatup.
4. When selected temperature is reached,
two beeps will sound. Add ingredients
to cooking pot—for best results, do not
crowd pot.
Once cooking is complete, press
START/STOP to stop cooking, or if
you’ve browned ingredients as a first
step in your recipe, switch to the next
function in your recipe. There is no need
to press START/STOP again, as the unit
is already cooking.
NOTE: Though browning is usually a
hands-on task, you can set a cooking time
if you wish with the Time Directionals.
If time is selected, countdown will start
when selected temperature is reached.
Unit will automatically shut off when
countdown is complete.
1. Fill cooking pot with ingredients and
cover with lid.
2. Press SLOW COOK. A preset
temperature setting of Low will flash, as
this is the most commonly used Slow
Cook setting.
3. Press Temperature Directionals to
select High, Low, Simmer or Warm,
displayed along the bottom of the LCD.
4. Set desired cooking time (up to 24
hours) with Time Directionals.
5. Press the START/STOP button to begin
cooking. Selected time and
temperature setting (High, Low, Simmer
or Warm) will be displayed.
NOTE: If you brown ingredients before
switching to slow cooking, the unit is
already on, so Step 5 is not necessary.
6. When slow cooking on High, Low or
Simmer, the unit will beep five times at
the end of the cooking time and will
automatically switch to the Keep Warm
setting for 8 hours.
7. When Keep Warm time elapses, one
beep will sound and heater will turn off.
8. To turn the heater off manually at any
time, press the START/STOP button.
1. Put cooking rack in pot in Roast
position, as shown below. Place
ingredients on rack and cover pot with
lid for faster heatup.
2. Press ROAST. A preset temperature of
350°F will flash, as this the most
commonly used Roast temperature.
3. Use Temperature Directionals to select a
different temperature (from 250°F to
4. Set desired cooking time (up to 6 hours)
with Time Directionals.
5. Press the START/STOP button to begin
preheating. Selected time and
temperature will flash as unit heats up.
NOTE: If you brown ingredients before
switching to roasting, the unit is already
on, so Step 5 above is not necessary.
6. When selected roasting temperature is
reached, the unit will beep two times
and the timer will begin counting down
cooking time.
When cooking time has elapsed, the
unit will beep five times and the heater
will automatically turn off.
8. Carefully remove food from pot with
spoon, fork or tongs. Do not use rack
as handles; they will be hot.
9. To turn the heater off manually at any
time, press the START/STOP button.
1. Place about 1 quart (4 cups) of water
or other liquid in cooking pot and place
cooking rack in steam position, as
shown below; cover with lid. For best
results, do not add ingredients to pot
until steaming temperature is reached
(preheating is complete).
2. Press STEAM. Steaming temperature
cannot be changed.
3. Set desired cooking time (up to 1½
hours) by pressing Time Directionals.
Press the START/STOP button to start
preheating. Selected time and temperature
will flash as unit heats up.
When steaming temperature is reached,
the unit will beep two times and the timer
will begin counting down cooking time.
With pot holders, carefully lift lid away
from you and place food on rack, starting
in the middle and working your way out.
Be sure to cover pot with lid again.
6. When cooking time is completed, the
unit will beep five times and the heater
will turn off automatically.
Carefully remove food from pot with
spoon, fork or tongs.
8. To turn the heater off manually at any
time, press the START/STOP button.
NOTE: The unit is equipped with a boil-dry
protection. If all water has boiled out,
the unit will shut off to avoid damaging
the heater.
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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