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Dulce de Leche
Although this is readily available in most
supermarkets, it is quite simple to make
your own. The longer you cook it, the
richer and more concentrated the caramel
flavor gets.
Setting: Brown/Sauté
Makes about 1½ cups
2 cans (13-ounce) nonfat
sweetened condensed milk
pinch sea or kosher salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
1. Put all of the ingredients into the
cooking pot of the Cuisinart
2. Set the unit on Brown/Sauté at 375°F
to bring mixture to a boil. Once mixture
boils, reduce heat (about 300°F) so that
there is a constant simmer. Cover and
let simmer until caramel-colored and
3. Turn to Keep Warm if serving right away,
or bring to room temperature and store
in refrigerator if using at a later time.
Nutritional information per serving (1 tablespoon):
Calories 87 (0% from fat) • carb. 19g • pro. 2g
• fat 0g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 3mg • sod. 63mg
• calc. 79mg • fiber 0g
Fall Fruit Crisp
Comfort is at the forefront in this simple
dessert. This is great recipe to make
when you seem to have a surplus of fall
fruits that need to be used – the rest of
the ingredients are basic pantry staples.
If you prefer pears to apples, you can
change the ratios.
Setting: Roast
Makes 8 to 10 servings
½ cup unbleached, all-purpose flour
¼ cup rolled oats (old-fashioned
oats, not quick-cooking)
cup packed light brown sugar
pinch table salt
pinch ground cinnamon
pinch freshly ground nutmeg
2 tablespoons unsalted butter,
1 pound apples (any baking
variety), peeled, cored and cut
into ½-inch slices
½ pound pears (any baking variety),
peeled, cored and cut into
½-inch slices
¼ cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons unbleached, all-
purpose flour pinch table salt
¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1. Put the first 7 ingredients into a small
mixing bowl. Toss to fully combine;
2. Put the remaining ingredients into a
large mixing bowl. Toss to combine.
Transfer apple/pear mixture to an 8-inch
round baking pan. Top with the oat
3. Put the roasting rack into the Cuisinart
Multicooker and put the filled baking
pan on top of that. Cover and set to
Roast at 375°F for 45 minutes. Let cook
until top is browned and fruit is just
tender – start checking the doneness of
the fruit around 30 minutes. Add more
time if necessary. Apples and pears vary
in composition, so some might need
more time to cook than others.
Nutritional information per serving
(based on 10 servings):
Calories 266 (16% from fat) • carb. 56g • pro. 2g
• fat 5g • sat. fat 3g • chol. 12mg • sod. 28mg
• calc. 10mg • fiber 4g

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Cuisinart MSC-800 Series Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 20 pagina's

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