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The freezer bowl must be completely frozen before you begin
your recipe. Before freezing, wash and dry the bowl. The
length of time needed to reach the frozen state depends on
how cold your freezer is. It is recommended that you place
the freezer bowl in the back of your freezer where it is
coldest. Be sure to place the freezer bowl on a flat surface in
its upright position for even freezing.
Generally, freezing time is between 16 and 24 hours. Shake
the bowl to determine whether it is completely frozen. If you
do not hear the liquid within the bowl moving, the cooling
liquid is therefore frozen. For the most convenient frozen
desserts and drinks, leave your freezer bowl in the freezer at
all times. Use the bowl immediately after removing from the
freezer. It will begin to quickly defrost once it has been
removed from the freezer.
Reminder: Your freezer should be set to 0°F to ensure
proper freezing of all foods.
1. Prepare recipe ingredients from pages that follow or
from your own recipe. Flip booklet over for Cuisinart
recipes. If you use your own recipe, be sure it yields
1½ quarts or less.
2. Remove the freezer bowl from the freezer. Place freezer
bowl on the center of the base.
NOTE: Bowl will begin to defrost quickly once it has
been removed from freezer. Use it immediately after
removing from freezer.
3. Place mixing paddle in freezer bowl. It just rests in the
center of the bowl, with the circle side facing up.
4. Place lid on base and rotate clockwise until tabs on lid
lock in place on base.
5. Press On/Off switch to ON position. Freezer bowl will
begin to turn.
6. Immediately pour ingredients through ingredient spout.
NOTE: Ingredients must be added to the freezer
bowl after unit is turned on.
7. Frozen desserts will be done in less than 20 minutes.
The time will depend on the recipe and volume of the
dessert you are making. When the mixture has thickened
to your liking, it is done. If you desire a firmer
consistency, transfer the dessert to an airtight container
and store in the freezer for two or more hours.
NOTE: Do not store frozen desserts in the freezer bowl.
Desserts will stick to the sides of the freezer bowl and
may damage the bowl. Store only in a freezer-safe
airtight container.
Ingredients such as chips and nuts should be added about
5 minutes before the recipe is complete. Once the dessert
has begun to thicken, add the ingredients through the
ingredient spout. Nuts and other ingredients should be no
larger than a chocolate chip.
The Cuisinart
Automatic Frozen Yogurt–Ice Cream & Sorbet
Maker is equipped with a safety feature that automatically
stops the unit if the motor overheats. This may occur if the
dessert is extremely thick, if the unit has been running for an
excessively long period of time, or if added ingredients (nuts,
etc.) are in extremely large pieces. To reset the unit, put the
On/Off switch in the OFF position and unplug the unit. Let
the unit cool off. After a few minutes, you may turn the unit
on again and continue making the dessert.
Clean the freezer bowl, mixing paddle and lid in warm soapy
IMPLEMENTS. Wipe motor base clean with damp cloth.
Dry all parts thoroughly.
DO NOT put freezer bowl in freezer if bowl is wet. DO NOT
store lid, mixing paddle, or base in freezer. You may store the
freezer bowl in the freezer for convenient, immediate use. Do
not store frozen desserts in the freezer bowl in the freezer for
more than 30 minutes at a time. Transfer frozen desserts to a
freezer-safe, airtight container for longer storage in the

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