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Cooking rice and steaming food has never been
easier. All you have to do is fill the cooking bowl or
steaming tray, and press the switch! When
cooking cycle is complete, the temperature is
automatically reduced to keep food warm until
you’re ready to eat. As always, cleanup is quick,
because all removable parts are dishwasher-safe.
1. Glass Lid w/Stainless Steel Rim and
Steam Vent: See-through glass lid allows you
to view the rice while the steam vent helps to
prevent splattering. Stainless steel rim accents
complement any kitchen decor.
2. Steaming Tray: Allows you to steam a variety
of foods while the rice is cooking.
3. Cooking Bowl: Nonstick coating prevents the
rice from sticking to the bowl.
4. Stainless Steel Housing: Durable stainless
steel construction makes cleanup easy.
5. Chrome-plated Handles: Cool touch handles.
6. “Cook” and “Warm” Indicator Switch: LED
lights on top of the switch indicate that the unit
is in Cook or Warm mode.
7. Measuring Cup: Calibrated specifically for
your Cuisinart
Rice Cooker/Steamer; allows
you to measure the proper rice to water pro-
portions with ease.
8. Rice Paddle: Allows you to fluff and scoop the
rice out of the cooking bowl. Rice won't stick
to the utensil.
9. Retractable Cord Storage (not shown):
Convenient retractable cord storage.
This appliance generates steam. Do not operate it
without the lid in place.
Do not use your Rice Cooker/Steamer under
hanging wall cabinets; the escaping steam could
cause damage.
Do not use metal utensils. Metal utensils will dam-
age the nonstick finish on inner cooking bowl.
Do not plug in the cooker before rice and water
have been added. Because the Rice Cooker/
Steamer does not have an Off setting, the unit will
automatically be in Warm mode immediately after
the unit is plugged in.
The Cuisinart
Rice Cooker/Steamer is a perfect
appliance for a busy lifestyle and limited space.
It will cook rices and grains perfectly with minimal
fuss, taking up little counter space and leaving all
your burners free for other tasks. Cleaning up the
nonstick bowl is quick and easy and there is virtu-
ally no maintenance.
Your rice cooker can be used for more than just
plain old rice. It is a simple way to cook pilafs.
Simply turn unit on and walk away — it will
automatically switch to Warm when ready to serve.
You can use your rice cooker to cook a combi-
nation of rice, grains and legumes at the same
time. Follow our recipes for ideas and suggested
amounts to use — let your imagination be
your guide.
Rinsing/washing rice: Generally the rule is to wash
or rinse imported rice and not to wash or rinse
domestic (grown in U.S.) rices, as they have been
enriched with vitamins. To wash rice: place in a
medium bowl and cover with water, swirl until
the water appears chalky/cloudy, and drain in a
fine mesh strainer. Repeat until water is clear (or
nearly clear) when rice is covered and swirled.
Rice aficionados will even wash domestic rice, as
it removes the starches and reduces stickiness.
If you follow a well-balanced diet, then the loss
of these vitamins will not be detrimental. Do not
wash your rice in the rice cooker bowl – if the
outside of the bowl is wet when cooking, it may
cause damage to your rice cooker.
Some rices may call for a soaking period. This can
be done in the rice cooker bowl prior to cooking.
When cooking rice, boil it until it has absorbed all
the liquid. At this time it is not quite done. Rice
benefits from a “boil-steam” method of cooking.
Allow your rice to rest on the Warm setting for 5
to 10 minutes before serving for best results. Do
not remove the cover and peek.
After rice rests for 5 to 10 minutes, open rice
cooker cover and stir rice gently with rice paddle
or a wooden spoon. If rice is not ready to serve,
re-cover and let stand on Warm until ready.

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Cuisinart CRC 800 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 40 pagina's

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