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Press ‘Time’ to select number of minutes
needed for steaming time increases in 1
minute increments. Place trivet inside
cooking pot. Add 2 cups of water. Top of
trivet should be above water.
Place steaming tray on top of the trivet.
Place food inside steaming tray, ensuring
food is evenly spaced to allow steam to
Close and secure lid and leave the
pressure valve in the open position.
Press start.
There are seven safety devices installed
in the pressure cooker to assure its
1. Open-and-Close Lid Safety Device
The appliance will not start
pressurising until the lid is closed
and locked properly.
The lid cannot be opened if the
appliance is filled with pressure.
2. Pressure Control Device
The correct pressure level is
automatically maintained during the
cooking cycle.
3. Pressure Limit Valve
The pressure limit valve will release air
automatically when the pressure inside
exceeds the preset temperature.
Note: Overfilling the pressure
cooker (see Instructions for Use)
may clog the pressure limit valve
which can cause excess pressure
to develop.
4. Anti-Block Cover
Prevents any food material from
blocking the pressure limit valve.
5. Pressure Relief Device
When the pressure cooker reaches
the maximum allowable pressure and
temperature, the cooking pot will
move down until lid separates from
the sealing ring, releasing air
6. Thermostat
The power will automatically shut off
when the cooking pot temperature
reaches the preset value, or the
pressure cooker is heating without
any food inside.
7. Thermal Fuse
The circuit will be opened when the
pressure cooker reaches the
maximum temperature.
Unplug the power cord before cleaning.
2. Clean the outer body with a soft cloth
such as a paper towel or microfibre
cloth. Do not immerse the outer body
in water or pour water into it.
3. Rinse with warm water the underside
of the lid including the sealing ring,
pressure limit valve, air escape and
float valve. Dry completely.
4. Clean area under upper ring with
dampened cloth or microfibre cloth.
Do not use chemical cleaners.
5. Cooking pot is dishwasher-safe. To
hand-clean the cooking pot, use a
soft cloth or sponge and wipe. Be
careful not to damage the inside
coating. Never use harsh chemicals
or scouring pads.
6. To clean sealing
ring, hold the knob
on the sealing ring
supporting cover
and pull the
sealing ring up.
After cleaning, put
the sealing ring
supporting cover
Note: The side
with the knob
should face
outward. Do not
put it upside
down (figures 7
and 8).
7. To clean rubber grommet located in
centre of sealing ring supporting
cover, carefully remove the sealing
ring supporting cover and clean the
grommet, then replace it.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cuisinart CPC-610A

Cuisinart CPC-610A Recepten - English - 19 pagina's

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