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Remove any packaging materials and
promotional labels from your electric
pressure cooker.
Be sure all parts have been included
before discarding any packaging materials.
You may want to keep the box and packing
materials for use at a later date.
Before using your Cuisinart
Pressure Cooker Plus for the first time,
remove any dust from shipping by wiping
clean with a damp cloth. Thoroughly
clean the lid and the cooking pot. The
cooking pot can be cleaned in the
dishwasher or with warm soapy water.
Rinse with clean water, towel or air dry,
and place in the pressure cooker.
1. Place the pressure cooker on a
clean, flat surface where you intend
to cook.
2. Place the condensation collector in
rear of the unit until it clicks into
place (as shown below; also see
#6 on diagram, page 3).
3. Place the pressure limit valve on the
lid, as shown in figures 5 and 5a.
Note: The pressure limit valve does
not click or lock into place. Even
though it will have a loose fit, it is
safely secured.
Once the pressure cooker plus is
assembled properly, you are ready to
begin pressure cooking.
1. To remove lid, grasp handle, turn
clockwise and lift.
2. Remove cooking pot from pressure
cooker and add food and liquids as
the recipe directs. Note: The total
volume of food and liquid must not
exceed 60% of the capacity of the
cooking pot (figure 1). For foods such
as dried vegetables and beans, or
rice and grains, the total volume must
not exceed 50% capacity (figure 2).
Note: Overfilling may clog the
pressure limit valve which can
cause excess pressure to develop.
Always use at least ½ cup liquid
when pressure cooking.
3. To lock the lid in place, remove any
food residue from upper rim of
cooking pot to ensure a proper seal.
Make sure sealing ring is securely in
place on sealing ring supporting
cover (figure 3). Hold knob on sealing
ring supporting cover and press
firmly over the centre post of inner lid
to secure (figure 4). Place lid on
pressure cooker plus and turn it
counterclockwise into position.
Note: When placing lid on pressure
cooker, the float valve should be
facing the left.
4. Position the pressure limit valve
(located on lid) as directed in figure 5
and 5a, ensuring it is set to the
position. Note: The pressure limit
valve does not click or lock into
place. Even though it will have a
loose fit, it is safely secured. The float
in handle must be fully down to
properly seal the pot before cooking.
Plug the power cord into the pressure
cooker and then into the wall outlet.
The LED display will show

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cuisinart CPC-610A

Cuisinart CPC-610A Recepten - English - 19 pagina's

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