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If the cooker is not used according to specified procedure, it may not work properly even though the
cooker is not malfunctioned.
If rice does not cook properly or warm is abnormal, check the condition per the checklist below.
If abnormality still persists even after checking, consult customer care center.
Symptom Checkpoint
Rice water
Rice is scorched and
stuck to Inner pot.
Cooked rice has
odor or is discolored
in warm mode.
Cooked rice is:
Too thick
Too soft-boiled
󳀏 Wasn't there too much water beyond
criteria water level when rice was
󳀏 Was the rice cooked without inner lid
󳀏 Was the rice washed properly?
󳀏 Wasn't Cooking switch pressed forcefully
even if rice cooking is completed and the
cooker switched to warm mode.
󳀏 Wasn't the rice cooked without the
scorched trace at the bottom of inner pot
washed off?
󳀏 Wasn't there any foreign object stuck
between heating plate and inner pot
when rice was cooked?
󳀏 Is the lid closed tightly?
󳀏 Does power plug refuse to be pulled out
during warming?
󳀏 Was there any spatula, cold rice or
other grains during warming?
󳀏 Wasn't the amount of rice too small?
󳀏 Is water adjusted to proper level?
󳀏 Is there any foreign object stuck at the
outer bottom of inner pot, or is the bottom
of inner pot uneven?
󳀏 Did you open the lid without waiting 15
mins after Cooking switch was turned off?
󳀏 Wasn't power cut or did Cooking switch
go OFF during rice cooking?
󳀏 Open the lid and take out water.
󳀏 Attach inner lid.
󳀏 Wash rice clean always.
󳀏 Once rice cooking is completed, NEVER press
Cooking switch.
󳀏 Use inner pot cleanly always.
󳀏 Use heating plate and inner pot cleanly always
lest foreign object should stick to them.
󳀏 Close the lid completely to allow no gap.
󳀏 Keep power socket plugged always during
󳀏 Do NOT put in spatula, cold rice or other
󳀏 If the amount of rice to remain in warming
mode is small, gather rice at the center of inner
pot during warming.
󳀏 Adjust water level to measurement graduation
depending on rice amount.
󳀏 Clean foreign object.
󳀏 Keep the lid closed and let the steam settled
as long as possible.
󳀏 Do not touch Cooking switch until rice
cooking is completed and the switch turns
OFF automatically.

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