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Thank you for purchasing a Crane product. This Air Purifier with Germicidal UV
Light was tested and meets our stringent quality standards. This product is
warrantied to be free from manufacturing defects under normal use and
conditions for 1 year.
If you experience unsatisfactory operation, first refer to the troubleshooting
section in the manual to ensure that it is not due to care or cleaning. Follow Care
and Cleaning Instructions from manual. You can also visit www.crane-usa.com
Customer Care for information.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Crane Customer Care, Toll
Free: 888-599-0992 or Email customer-service@crane-usa.com. Please specify
the style and model number so our Customer Care Department can assist you.
This warranty is void if the defect is due to accidental damage, misuse, abuse,
neglect, improper repair or alteration by unauthorized persons, or a failure to
follow operating instructions provided with the product. This warranty does not
apply to normal wear and tear or commercial use.
The warranty is non-transferable and applies only to the original purchaser and
does not extend to subsequent owners of the product. Liability under this
warranty is limited to repair or replacement. In no event shall liability exceed the
purchase price paid by the purchaser of the product. Under no circumstances
shall there be liability for any loss - direct, indirect or incidental – or consequential
damage arising out of, or in connection with the use of this product.
This warranty is valid only in the 48 contiguous states plus the District of
Columbia and excludes Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. This warranty is
effective only if the product is purchased and operated in the United States of
This warranty gives you specific legal rights; however you may have other rights
that vary from state to state. Some states do not allow limitation on implied
warranties or exclusion of consequential damages; therefore these restrictions
may not apply to you.
Any instructions or warranty included in this manual may be subject to change
without notice. For the most up-to-date instructions and warranty information,
please contact us or visit our website.
To receive warranty instructions and return authorization, please call or email
Crane Customer Care.
Crane USA, Inc.
621 Route 83, Ste 202, Bensenville, Illinois 60106
Toll Free: 1-888-599-0992 (Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm CST)
Email: customer-service@crane-usa.com
Website: http://www.crane-usa.com

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