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Thank you for purchasing a CRANE Ultrasonic Humidifier. Each unit has been
manufactured to ensure safety and reliability. Before using for the first time, please
read the instructions carefully and keep them for further reference.
READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Failure to follow all of
the instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious personal
1. DO NOT carry Water Tank by handle when it is filled with water. It is
advisable to carry filled Water Tank with two hands.
2. DO NOT operate outdoors. This humidifier is intended for indoor use only.
3. Always have water in the Water Tank when operating the unit.
4. Use only clean, cool tap water to fill the Water Tank (filtered or distilled water is
recommended to avoid white dust if tap water is too hard; demineralization filters
are also available for purchase at www.crane-usa.com). DO NOT use hot water.
5. Be sure that the Water Tank Cap is firmly tightened on Water Tank. Always have
the Mist Lid in place while the unit is operating. Place the humidifier so the mist
aims away from children, walls, furniture and electrical appliances.
6. Use only a 110-120VAC outlet. ALWAYS plug and unplug unit with dry hands
to avoid electric shock.
7. Never operate the unit with a damaged cord or plug.
8. Always place the unit on a smooth, flat, lint-free, non-metallic, waterproof and
level surface and position unit away from direct sunlight. Keep the cord away from
heated surfaces and areas where it could be walked on or tripped over. Unplug the
unit when not in use and whenever you clean or move the unit.
9. Do not add medication of any type into the Water Basin or Water Tank. Do not
cover any openings on the unit or insert objects into any openings.
10. The unit should not be left unattended in a closed room as the air could become
saturated and leave condensation on walls or furniture. Leave room door partly
open when humidifier is being operated.
11. When cleaning the inside of the humidifier, keep water away from the Fan Vent.
Turn off and unplug the humidifier to wipe the exterior (except the electrical
controls) with a damp cloth. Humidifier requires regular cleaning. Please refer to
the CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS in this manual.
12. Do not tilt or tip the humidifier or attempt to empty or fill it while it is in operation.
13. Do not use a detergent to clean any parts of the unit that contain water. Detergent
film dissolved in the water supply can interfere with the output of the unit. Instead,
always use white vinegar mixed with water to clean the humidifier.

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