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Model 139.53753
ICRRFTSMR. ISecurity'l'® 3-Function Remote C°ntr°l
Security+ ®Compact 3-Function Remote Control
Model 139.53752
The Security.P remote control works only with 315 MHz
door openers and light controls having a purple "Learn"
button and yellow indicator light.
Programming instructions are described and illustrated
below. The additional push buttons can also activate other
315 MHz garage door openers and/or light controls.
(Instructions for programming light products are included
with those accessories.)
Remote Coding Instructions
[] []
1. Press and release the "learn" button
on the motor unit. The learn indicator
light will glow steadily for 30 seconds.
2. Within 30 seconds, press and hold the
button on the hand-held remote.
3. Release the button when the motor unit
light blinks. It has learned the code. If \ __ /
light bulbs are not installed, two clicks will --_/_
be heard. /'_
To Erase All Codes From Motor Unit
To deactivate any unwanted remote, first
erase all codes.
Press and hold the "learn" button on motor
unit until the "learn" indicator light goes out (approximately
6 seconds). All previous codes are now erased.
Reprogram each remote or keyless entry you wish to use.
To preventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom a
moving gate or garage door:
NEVERpermit children to operate or play with door control
push buttons or remote control transmitters.
Activate gateor door ONLYwhen it can beseenclearly, is
properly adjusted, and there are no obstructions to gate or
door travel.
ALWAYSkeepgate or garage door in sight until completely
closed. NEVERpermit anyoneto cross path of moving gate or
To Control the Motor Unit Lights (Premium
Consoles Only)
With Security,IP remote controls, a remote push button
can be programmed to operate the motor unit lights
without opening the door.
1.With the door closed, press and hold the remote button
that you want to control the light.
2. Press and hold the Light button on the door control.
3. Press and hold the Lock button on the door control.
4.After the motor unit lights flash, release all buttons.
Test by pressing the remote push button. The motor unit
lights should turn on or off but the door should not move.
The Remote Control Batteries
NEVERallow small children near batteries.
If battery is swallowed, immediatelynotify doctor.
The lithium battery should produce
power for up to 5 years. To replace 3-FUNCTBN
Open this end
firstto avoid
battery, use the visor clip or cracking_nnaggv_
screwdriver blade to pry open the ,ou
case as shown. Insert battery
matching polarity instructions
inside remote cover or on the Twisthere
printed circuit board, toopen
Dispose of old battery properly.
Replacement parts:
Security.IP 3-Function remote control
housing only (No circuit board) ............. 41A6140-1
Security.IP Compact 3-Function remote control
housing only (No circuit board) ............. 41A6139-1
3V2032 Lithium battery: ...................... 10A20
Visor clip: ................................ 29B134
NOTICE:Tocomplywtih FCCand or Industry Canada(IC) rules, adjustmentor modificationsof
this receiverand/or'_ansmitter areprohibtied,exceptforchangingthecodesethngor replacing
Testedto ComplywithFCCStandardsFORHOMEOROFFICEUSE.Operationissubjectto the
following two conditions:(1) this devicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2) this device
mustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethat maycauseundesiredoperation.
To order replacement parts call...
1-800-4-MY-HOME ® (1-800-469-4663)
© 2006, Sears, Roebuck and Co./® Registered Trademark / _" Trademark /
_" Service Mark of Sears, Roebuck and Co.
® Marca Regisb'ada / "Marca de F_brica / _' Marca de Servicio de Sears,
Roebuck and Co.

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