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Tag, and the compo-
nent parts thereof, will be free of defects in workmanship and materials for a term of
one year from the date of  rst consumer purchase. This warranty may be enforced
by the  rst consumer purchaser, provided that the product is used solely within
the U.S.A. and Canada. Cobra will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option,
defective Cobra Tag products or component parts upon delivery to the Cobra Factory
Service Department, if accompanied by proof of the date of  rst consumer purchase,
such as a duplicated copy of a sales receipt. The consumer must pay any initial ship-
ping charges required to ship the product for warranty service. Return shipping will
be at Cobra’s expense if the product is repaired or replaced under warranty.
This warranty gives the consumer speci c rights, and he or she may also have other
rights which vary from state to state.
1. To any product damaged by accident;
2. In the event of misuse or abuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized
alterations or repairs;
3. If the serial number has been altered, defaced or removed;
4. If the owner of the product resides outside the U.S.A. and Canada.
All implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and  tness for a
particular purpose are limited in duration to the term of this warranty. COBRA SHALL
OF INSTALLATION. Some states do not allow limitations on the duration of an implied
warranty and/or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages. Part or all of the above limitations may not apply to some consumers.
It is the user’s responsibility to use this product prudently and responsibly. This prod-
uct is intended to be used only as a travel aid and must not be used for any purpose
requiring precise measurement of direction, distance, location and/or topography.
For any questions about operating or installing this new Cobra product, or if parts
are missing… PLEASE CALL COBRA FIRST…do not return this product to the store.
If this product should require factory service, please call Cobra  rst before sending
the product. This will ensure the fastest turnaround time on any repair. If Cobra asks
that the product be sent to its factory, the following must be furnished to have the
product serviced and returned:
1. For Warranty Repair include some form of proof-of-purchase, such as a mechanical
reproduction or carbon of a sales receipt. Make sure the date of purchase and product
model number are clearly readable. If the originals are sent, they cannot be returned;
2. Send the entire product;
3. Enclose a description of what is happening with the product. Include a typed or clearly
printed name and address of where the product is to be returned, with phone number
(required for shipment).
4. Pack the product securely to prevent damage in transit. If possible, use the
original packing material;
5. Ship prepaid and insured by way of a traceable carrier such as United Parcel
Service (UPS) or Priority Mail to avoid loss in transit to:
Cobra Factory Service
Cobra Electronics Corporation
6500 West Cortland Street
Chicago, Illinois 60707 U.S.A.;
If the product is in warranty, upon receipt of the product, it will either be repaired or
exchanged depending on the model. Please allow approximately 3 – 4 weeks before
contacting Cobra for status. If the product is out of warranty, a letter will automati-
cally be sent with information as to the repair charge or replacement charge.
For any questions, please call 773-889-3087 for assistance.
Trade Name: Cobra
Model No.: BT225
Responsible Party: Cobra Electronics Corporation
Address: 6500 West Cortland St., Chicago, IL 60707
USA, www.cobra.com
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules and RSS-Gen of IC Rules. Operation
is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of this device.
You are cautioned that any changes or modi cations not expressly approved in this
manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.
This equipment must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for uncon-
trolled equipment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in
Supplement C to OET65 and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules.
This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that it is deemed to comply without
testing of speci c absorption ratio (SAR).
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reaso-
nable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
, Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra
and the snake design are registered
trademarks of Cobra Electronics Corporation, USA.
Cobra Electronics Corporation
are trademarks of Cobra Electronics Corporation, USA.
The Trademark BlackBerry
is owned by Research In Motion Limited and is
registered in the United States and may be pending or registered in other countries.
The Bluetooth
word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any
use of such marks by Cobra is under license.
Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google
BT 225
©2011 Cobra Electronics Corporation Part No. 480-719-P Printed in China Version A
Operating Instructions
Mode d’emploi
Instrucciones para el uso
Stop Searching. Tag Your Essentials.
Setup Your Cobra
Charging the Cobra Tag
1. Plug the included USB cable into a USB port on your
computer or any standard wall adapter with a USB port.
2. Plug the Micro-USB connector into the bottom of the
Cobra Tag for charging. The light will stay on and be
colored RED while the Cobra Tag is charging.
3. The light will turn to BLUE when the Cobra Tag is fully
charged. Please charge fully before  rst use for best
• IfthebatteryisLOW(andthedeviceisON)-thelight
will blink RED once every minute.
• TheCobraTagwillholdachargewhileinusefora
maximum of 7 days.
• SeesectiononCobraTagStatusIndicatorsand
Button Controls for more information on controlling
the Cobra tag.
Installing the App & Pairing to your
or Android
1. Go to the Blackberry
App World or the Android
Marketplace on your mobile phone and search for the
"Cobra Tag" App.
2. Download and install the App and follow the onscreen
setup instructions. This will install the App on your
phone to make it possible for Cobra Tag and your
phone to communicate.
3. Turn on the Cobra Tag device by pressing in the button
for 1 second. It will beep and the BLUE light will blink
three times.
4. Launch the Cobra Tag App from the application menu
on the mobile phone.
5. Select "Add New Device" from the menu in the App
and select the Cobra Tag. If prompted for a password
then enter 0000.
6. The basic Cobra Tag setup is now complete. You can
start to use it!
• TheAppalsoincludessomeverysophisticated
options such as; e-mail and SMS noti cations,
naming your tag, changing device icons, etc. See
www.cobratag.com for more details.
• TheCobraTagcannotbeusedwithoutinstallingthe
App on your mobile phone.
• Uptoseven(7)CobraTagscanbeusedwithmost
Blackberry and Android phones. You can Add
additional Cobra Tags from the device list in the App.
Using the Cobra
1. Activating the System
a. Attach the Cobra Tag to your key ring or any other
valuable you would like to protect.
b. Make sure the Cobra Tag device is turned ON.
Start the Cobra Tag App on your mobile phone.
Make sure the Cobra Tag devices you want enabled
are turned ON in the device list. This enables the
wireless link between the Cobra Tag and your
mobile phone. It can run in the background to keep
your valuable protected.
2. Protect Your Valuables- Two-Way
Separation Alarm
a. The Cobra Tag and your phone will start to ring
when they become separated by more than about
30 feet. Please note, this distance may vary based
on variations in the paired phone and the
obstructions between the phone and the tag.
b. The App includes advanced settings such as; ring
tones, auto phone lock, and silence
override. Please see the in-App instructions for
more details on advance features.
3. Find Your Valuables
a. Press the button on your Cobra Tag to make the
phone ring and/or vibrate. You can use this if you
have the Cobra Tag and can’t  nd your phone.
b. Press the Ring Device Button in the App to make
Cobra Tag ring. You can use this if you have your
phone and can’t  nd your valuable attached to
the Cobra Tag.
c. The Cobra Tag will remain on and attempt to pair
with the mobile phone when they are out of range.
You can see the connection status in the App. If they
are paired then you are close!
4. Locate Your Valuables
If you do not hear the alert during separation, the
Cobra Tag records the GPS coordinates and time
of separation. This information can be sent out via
email or sms. The information can even OPTIO-
NALLY be posted to facebook or twitter so your
friends and family can help recover your lost items.
b. Make sure to enable this function and setup your
list of contacts in the App if you want to receive
these noti cations.
Note: • TheCobraTagandthemobilephoneneed
to be within Bluetooth range (about 30 feet),
charged and paired for any of the alarms and
noti cations to work properly.
• Pleasetestallofthedesiredfunctionality
on your speci c mobile phone during the
setup procedure to ensure your expected
• TopowertheCobraTagON.IfthedeviceisOFF,
press the button once to turn on. Blue LED blinks 3
times to indicate ON status.
• TopowertheCobraTagOFF.IftheTagisON,press
and held for more than 10 seconds to turn OFF. The
Tag will beep to con rm power off. Red LED blinks 3
times to indicate off status
• IftheCobraTagisONandconnectedtomobilephone.
The LED light will remain Off and does NOT blink.
• IftheCobraTagisONbutdisconnectedfromthe
mobile phone (trying to connect) the Blue LED blinks
once every 1 minute
• IftheCobraTagbatteryislowtheRedLEDblinks
once every 1 minute.
Customer Assistance
Cobra Tag Status Indicators &
Button Controls
Should there be any problems with this product, or
further information is needed on its features, please refer
to this manual. For further assistance after reading this
manual, Cobra Electronics offers the following customer
assistance services:
• Automated Help Desk (English only) 24 hours a day,
7 days a week at 773-889-3087 (phone).
• Customer Assistance Operators (English and
Spanish) 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central Time, Mon.
through Fri. (except holidays) at 773-889-3087
• Questions (English and Spanish) Faxes can be
received at 773-622-2269.
• Technical Assistance (English only) www.cobra.com
(on-line: Frequently Asked Questions).
• Technical Assistance (English and Spanish) produc-
tinfo@cobra.com (e-mail)
COBRATAG_MANL.indd 1 6/9/11 9:35 AM

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