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For 34948
Control Panel
All Sensors are wirelessly linked to the Control Panel.
In the event of alarm activation, for example, when a Sensor is triggered, a push
notification will automatically be sent to all registered users.
The system can be controlled and monitored both on-site using the Remote Control
supplied and remotely from anywhere in the world, with the FREE iOS and Android
The system can easily be expanded to include up to: 50 Wireless Sensors and 10
Remote Controls.
WiFi Indicator
Status Indicator
Network Configuration
Power Switch
Power Adapter Jack
Learn Button
LED Indication
WiFi Indicator
Steady On Connected with Router
Searching for a network or disconnected
from Router
1) Initialization (the Control Panel beeps every
3 seconds): lasts for up to 30 seconds after
power up
2) The Power Adapter is not plugged in
(Red, Blue
and Green)
Steady On Stable WiFi connection
Red System is Armed
Blue System is in Home Mode (Part Arm)
Green System is Disarmed
Disconnected from the Router
Alarm condition
Functionality of Buttons behind the Back Cover
Learn Used to pair an accessory with the Control Panel
WiFi Used to pair the Control Panel with the Router
On/off Power Switch
Note: The Control Panel must be plugged in to the Power Adapter in order to maintain the WiFi
the connected smartphones, and the sounder will keep beeping for 30 seconds.
Remote Control
The Remote Control can be used to arm, part arm or disarm the system, and trigger
an emergency alarm (SOS).
SOS Button
Status Indicator
Home Arm
(Part Arm)
Button System Status
All Sensors will be Armed. This mode is for use when the property is unoccupied.
The System will be Disarmed, no Sensors will be triggered.
Note: When set to ‘Disarm’, Fire, Smoke, and Gas Leakage Sensors will remain
active as they are factory set to ‘24 Hour Zone’
Sensors which are set to the Home Zone will not be Armed. All other Sensors
will be Armed. This mode allows for selected Sensors (for example, front/back
door(s) to be Armed, allowing the occupier freedom of movement within the
regardless of the Control Panel mode.
Press the [ ] button. After the indicator on the remote control blinks once,
press [
] button within 3 seconds to mutely arm the system.
Press the [ ] button. After the indicator on the Remote Control blinks once,
press [
] button within 3 seconds to mutely disarm the system.
Note: To turn off the Arm/Disarm tone permanently, open the AW1 Alarm App, go to ‘Internal
Door/ Window Sensor
Door/ Window Sensor is set to ‘Normal Zone by default and are ideal for protecting
entry/exit points such as front and back doors and windows. When the system is
Armed, should a Sensor be triggered (Magnet separated from the Transmitter),
registered users and the Control Panel Internal Siren will sound immediately.
when 1cm
LED blinks once
Tamper Switch
The Tamper Switch (small black button underneath the back cover) will activate an
alarm condition if an unauthorized attempt is made to remove the Sensor from its
installed location.
Low Battery Indication

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