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Pleaseread the "Instruction. Manual" carefully prior to the use of your air conditioner so as to ensure proper operations.
[Instructions to users)
Air conditioners are pieces of high value. In order to ensure your lawful rights and interests, please have
the professional technicians to do the installation for you.
This Instruction Manual is the universal-purpose version for the models of split wall-mounted air conditioners
manufactured by our Co. The appearance of the units that you purchase might be slightly different from
the ones described in the Manual, but it does not affect your proper operations and usage.
Please read carefully the sections corresponding to the specific model you choose, and keep the Manual
properly so as to facilitate your reference at later time.
Instructions for Installation
. Make sure to have the professional after-sale service persons of our company or the authorized dealers to
install the units before you use.
1. The units are not to be installed at places where
there might be leakage of combustible gases.
Addition to the user manual:
The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision;
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
In case thatthe leakedgas accumulatesaroundthe units, there
mightoccurthe accidentof fire hazards.
After the connectingof the wiresbetweenthe indoorunitandthe
outdoorunit, checkwhether theconnectingis looseor notby pulling
the wirewith a littleforce.
The loose connectingmight resultin fire hazard.
Instructions for Operation
Never try to stop the operation of the air conditioner
by operate the switch.
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Such pertormancemightcauseelectricshocksor fire hazards.
Instructions to users
The name of each part and its function
Operation and indication sections of remote controller
Use of remote controller
Features of heating operations
Methods of maintenance
Treatment at service call
We hope you will know the following when using the unit
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Donotoperatethe switchbywethands.
It mightcauseelectric shocks.
is installed.
Earth leakage-
circuit breaker
Absenceofthe earthleakage-circuitbreakermightleadto electric
shock andsome other hazards.
Makesurethat theair conditioneris properlygrounded.
Jr";';;~-~;~~-~~ing wireonthe air
conditionershouldbe tightlyconnected
to the groundof thepower source.
electricshocksorother hazards.
Do not press, stretch, damage, heat or modifythe
It might cause electric shocks, overheating, fire
hazards, etc. Ifthe power line wire is damaged or
needs to be replaced due to some other reasons,
please make sure to have dealer or the authorized
maintenance people to do ttie replacement.
Never use the fuse with incorrect capacity or any
other metal wires.
The useof metalor copperwiresfor fusemight causeoperationai
failuresor fire hazards.

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