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Set the desired temperature and airflow using the setting
Switch A Switch B
0 OFF 460/230 Watts
1150/550 Watts
2000/1150 Watts
0 = Appliance is switched off
A + B = 230 Watts, low airflow speed
A + B = 550 Watts, low airflow speed
A + B = 550 Watts, low airflow speed
A + B = 460 Watts, high airflow speed
A + B = 1150 Watts, high airflow speed
A + B = 2000 Watts, high airflow speed
Interrupteur COOL
A + B + COOL = low airflow speed, cold
A + B + COOL = high airflow speed, cold
Concentrator nozzle
Professional concentrator nozzle for styling and shaping. The
concentrator nozzle concentrates the airflow enabling targeted
drying of specific sections of hair. The concentrator nozzle is easily
attached to the airflow outlet of the hairdryer.
Professional diffuser for volume, styling and shaping. The diffuser
is easily attached to the airflow outlet of the hairdryer.
Disconnect the plug of the appliance from the socket outlet.
Never submerge the appliance in water. Do not allow dirt or
hair products to build up on the appliance. Always wait for the
appliance to cool down thoroughly before cleaning. Remove the
attachment and use a damp cloth to remove any build up on the
appliance and attachments. Then dry with a soft cloth.
A guarantee covers this product for a period of 2 years, beginning
on the date of original purchase. Use of the guarantee does not
result in extension of the guarantee period. The guarantee covers
manufacturing faults and material faults in original parts. Normal
wear and tear and damage resulting from inappropriate use are
not covered by the guarantee.
If your product requires repair, you should contact an authorised
service dealer.
Never dispose of your appliance with the regular household waste.
Follow the waste disposal regulations for your locality or return
your appliance to the retailer. Retain the retailer’s receipt as proof
of purchase.
Carmen has a policy of continuous improvement in product quality
and design. Carmen therefore reserves the right to change the
specifications of its products at any time.

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