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Note: it is advisable to turn off the tap after each wash
to isolate the washing machine from the water supply.
For the washing machine to function properly the terminal end of the discharge hose (mouth)
must be at a minimum of 50 cm and a maximum of 85 cm from the ground.
After installation, the appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible.
If the plug we supply does not fit
You can’t use it on other appliances, and the exposed wires could be dangerous if plugged in.
To fit a replacement plug, proceed as follows:
Connect to the terminal in the plug
green and yellow wire marked with the letter E,
OR marked
with the symbol,
OR coloured green,
OR coloured green and yellow.
blue wire marked N
OR coloured black.
brown wire marked L
OR coloured red.
This appliance must be earthed
Fuses and plugs
This appliance should be used only on a socket with a minimum rating of 13 Amp.
Our ready-fitted plug is already equipped with a 13 amp fuse which is BS 1362 ASTA
approved. Any replacement should be exactly the same.
If the fuse cover is lost, do not use the plug until it is replaced. Acorrect replacement fuse
cover (obtainable from your local retailer) must be the same colour as shown or named on
the insert on the base of the plug.
Note: we recommend you keep the transit bracket,
braces and screws to immobilise the machine for future
The Manufacturers will not be responsible for any
possible damage to the machine caused by not
following the rules relating to releasing the mechanism.
The user is responsible for all costs of installation.
Water connection
The appliance must be connected to the water mains using new
The old hose-sets should not be reused.
The machine has an inlet hose with 3/4" B.S.P threaded end
connection to attach between the threaded connector on the
appliance and the cold water supply.
This machine only uses cold water, therefore
only one hose is needed to connect to the cold
water supply. Cold fill is an energy efficient
system. Only the water required for the washing
is heated.There is no loss of heat in the pipeline
from a hot water tank or boiler to the machine.
Connection to a warm water supply, that is over 40°, may damage certain delicate fabrics.
min 50 cm
max 85 cm
+2,6 mt max
max 100 cm
min 4 cm

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