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Description of controls
Start button
Press to start the selected cycle (according to the selected cycle one indicator lights will go on).
Note: When the START button has been pressed, the appliance can take few seconds
before stars working.
Changing the settings after the programmes has started (Pause)
Once the programme has started the settings can only altered by pressing the relevant buttons.
Release the START button.
The indicator lights time to end will flash, make your changes and press the START button
once more.
If you wish to add or remove items during washing, release the START button and wait 2
minutes until the safety device unlocks the door.
When you have carried out the manoeuvre, close the door, press START button and the
appliance will continue working where it left off.
Cancelling a selected programme
The programme can be cancelled at any time in the following way:
Release the START button
Turn the selector knob first to the OFF position and then away from it
Wait around 5 seconds
The machine will be ready for another programme or to be switched off.
The door cannot be opened until the START button has been released
Door open button
Aspecial safety device prevents the porthole from being opened immediately after the end of
the cycle. Wait for 2 minutes after the wash cycle has finished before opening the door.
Useful advice for users
Tips on using your domestic appliance in the most environmentally-friendly and economical
Do a full load in your washing machine
To prevent any possible waste of energy, water or detergent we recommend that you put a
full load in your washing machine, not exceed the maximum loads shown below:
Cotton and linen 6 kg
Mixed 2 kg
Very delicate 1,5 kg
Wool 1 kg
Up to 50% energy saving can be made with one full load compared to two half load washes
When is prewashing really needed?
Only with particularly dirty loads!
Energy savings of 5 to 15% are made by not selecting the prewash option for normal soiled
Which wash temperature should you choose?
Using stain removers before machine washing reduces the need to wash at temperatures
over 60°C.
Energy savings of up to 50% can be made by using a 60°C wash temperature rather than
Fig. 1

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