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Ôipìà-âèpîáíèê íå íåñå íiÿêî¿ âiäïîâiäàëüíîñòi çà ïîìèëêè äpóêó, ùî ìiñòÿòüñÿ â
öèõ iíñòpóêöiÿõ, i çàëèøຠçà ñîáî
ю ïpàâî ïîëiïøåííÿ ÿêîñòi âëàñíèõ âèpîáiâ,
ю÷è íåçìiííèìè îñíîâíi òåõíi÷íi õàpàêòåpèñòèêè.
O modelo e caracteristicas indicados nesta folha podem ser alterados sem qualquer
Fabrikanten fralægger sig ethvert ansvar for evt. trykfejl i nærværende instruktions
Produsent og importør fraskriver seg ethvert ansvar for trykkfeil i bruksanvisningen.
Produsenten forbeholder seg retten til å foreta modifiseringer av produkter uten
nærmere varsel om dette.
The manufacturer declines all responsibility in the event of any printing mistakes in
this booklet. The manufacturer also reserves the right to make appropriate
modifications to its products without changing the essential characteristics.
If the fault should persist,contact a Candy Technical Assistance Centre.For prompt servicing, give the model of
the washing machine, to be found on the label placed on the cabinet inside of the porthole or on the
guarantee certificate.
1 The use of environment friendly detersives without phosphates may produce the following effects:
- The discharge rinse water may result cloudier due to the presence of zeolites in suspension. This does not
compromise the efficiency of the rinses.
- The presence of white powder (zeolites) on the washing at the end of the washing cycle. This does not
remain incorporated in the fabric and does not alter the colour.
- The presence of foam in the last rinse water which is not necessarily a sign of inadequate rinsing.
- The non-ionic surface-active agents present in the composition of washing machine detersives are often
difficult to remove from the washing itself and, even in small quantities, may produce visible signs of the
formation of foam.
- Carrying out further rinses, in cases such as this, is not useful.
2 If your washing machine fails to function, carry out the above-mentioned checks before calling the Candy
Technical Assistance Service.
1. Does not function
on any
2. Does not load
3. Does not discharge
4. Water on floor
around washing
5. Does not spin
6. Strong vibrations
during spin
Mains plug not plugged in
Mains switch not on
No power
Electric circuit fuses failure
Load door open
See cause 1
Inlet tap turned off
Timer not set correctly
Discharge tube bent
Odd material blocking filter
Leak from the washer between the tap
and inlet tube
The washing machine has not
discharged water
“No spin” setting (some models only)
Washing machine not perfectly level
Transport bracket not removed
Washing load not evenly distributed
Insert plug
Turn on mains switch
Close load door
Turn on water inlet tap
Set timer on correct position
Straighten discharge tube
Check filter
Replace washer and tighten the tube
on the tap
Wait a few minutes until the machine
discharges water
Turn the programme dial onto spin
Adjust special feet
Remove transport bracket
Distribute the washing evenly

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