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To clean the washing machine exterior, use
a damp cloth, avoiding abrasives, alcohol
and/or solvents. To maintain a good wash
performance we recommend that the soap
drawer and pump filters are regularly
cleaned. A monthly service wash, using a
proprietary cleaner is also recommended.
! We recommend you clean the drawer to
avoid accumulating detergent and
additive residue.
To do this, extract the drawer using slight
force, clean it with running water and
reinsert it in its housing.
Ensure the siphon cap is correctly
! The washing machine comes with a
special filter able to trap large residue,
such as buttons or coins, which could
clog the drain.
out the corrugated hose, remove the
stopper and drain the water into a
Ensure all the water has been emptied
from the drum.
Before unscrewing the filter, we
recommend you place an absorbent cloth
under it to keep the floor dry. A small
amount of water will come out of the filter
as you remove it - this is normal.
Turn the filter counter-clockwise to the
limit stop.
! Remove and clean the filter; when
finished, replace it turning it clockwise.
The filter handle will be locked when it is
not possible to turn any further and the
handle is horizontal. Smearing a small
amount of liquid soap on the filter seal will
help refitting.
! Repeat the previous steps in reverse
order to reassemble all parts.
! Should the washing machine be stored in
an unheated room for a long period of
time, drain all water from tubes.
! Unplug the washing machine.
! Detach the tube from the drainage
system and clip on the rear of the
machine and lower it, fully draining water
into a bowl.
! Secure the drain tube with the drainage
system and clip on the rear of the
machine when finished.
! Keep the door glass and gasket clean.
Drawer cleaning
Filter cleaning
Suggestions for moves or
prolonged disuse
The manufacturers warranty only
covers faults within the product of a
mechanical or electrical nature.
Faults caused by handling,
installation or miss use are not
covered and may incur a charge for
any repair visit to resolve.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Candy Bianca WM

Candy Bianca WM Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

Candy Bianca WM Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 2 pagina's

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