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SR10 V2
Technical specifications
Power output 85 watts (into 8Ω)
THD (unweighted) <0.01% @ 1kHz, 80% of rated power
<0.15% 20Hz - 20kHz, 80% of rated power
Frequency response (-1dB) 5Hz - 50kHz
S/N ratio (ref 1W) >82dB (unweighted)
Input impedances 47k ohms
Power Amp damping factor >50
Max. power consumption 500W
Bass/Treble controls Shelving, ultimate boost/cut
+/- 10dB @ 100Hz and 20kHz
Subwoofer output 200Hz 2nd order L+R
Level follows volume setting
Dimensions 110 x 430 x 340mm
(4.3 x 16.9 x 13.4”)
Weight 8.1kg (17.8lbs)
AM (522-1629kHz)
FM (87.5-108MHz)
AM (530-1710kHz)
FM (87.5-108MHz)
Aerial inputs FM 75 ohms, Coaxial.
AM 300 ohms wire loop/single wire.
Signal to noise 60dB typical (FM)
Distortion <0.4% @ 1kHz 50kHz deviation (FM mono)
<0.6% @ 1kHz 50kHz deviation (FM stereo)
There is no power
Ensure the AC power cord is connected securely.
Ensure the plug is fully inserted into the wall socket and is switched on.
Check fuse in the mains plug or adaptor.
Check the power is on at the front of the unit.
There is no sound
Check the correct input is selected.
Check that the speakers are connected correctly.
If using the tuner, check aerial connections and an available station is
Check the unit is not in mute mode.
Check the Speaker A/B configuration matches your speakers.
The sound is distorted
Check aerial connections and placements.
Check speaker connections.
There is a hum coming from the speaker
Ensure that all cable connections are secure, particularly ground/shield
connections. For turntables.
There is unwanted background noise and interference
Move the unit away from other electrical equipment that is likely to cause
Re-orientate the aerial.
Ensure that all cable connections are secure, particularly ground/shield
connections for turntables.
The remote handset will not function
Check that the batteries have not expired.
Ensure that nothing is blocking the remote sensor.
Over temperature protection
The unit has an over temperature and shutdown protection. If the unit is
continuously used for a long period and over heats, the unit will shut
down. Leave the unit ‘ON’ for 10 minutes to cool down, then turn the unit
off and on to continue listening.
If the problem persists, then the unit is being over driven. Reduce the
volume level, and ensure the unit is in an open ventilated area to resolve
the problem.
Use of two pairs of speakers which are less than 8 Ohms can cause
overloading and is not recommended.
In the event that the above solutions do not remedy your problem, please
consult our frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on our website:
For all servicing, in or out of warranty, please contact your dealer.
Tuner settings
It is possible to change the tuner region settings for this unit. This can be
necessary if the unit has been moved to a different country.
Two settings are possible which set the correct de-emphasis and tuning
steps for either North America or Europe/Rest of the world.
: Changing the tuner settings will clear all stored presets. When
moving the unit to another region the Voltage Select switch must be set to
the correct mains supply voltage by an authorized dealer.
Press and hold both the 4/9 and Menu buttons at the same time. The
display will show the software revision and followed by either a letter ‘A
which represents North America or a letter E’ which represents
Europe/Rest of the world. Restart the unit by powering off and on.
1 / 6 2 / 7 3 / 8 4 / 9 5 / 10

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10

Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 12 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 12 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 12 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Topaz SR10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 12 pagina's

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