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Automatic Power Down
The Stream Magic 6 will switch itself off after 15 minutes if it is not playing anything
and there has been no user interaction with it during this time. As a default this is
set to 15 minutes, but you can increase or decrease this time, or turn this feature
off altogether if desired.
The Auto Power Down setting can be found in Settings > Advanced > Automatic
Power-down. There, using the rotary dial you can adjust APD from OFF to 1hr, in 5
minute increments. Press the rotary dial to accept the new APD setting.
Edit Digital Input Names
This allows you to customise the names associated with each digital input so that
they correspond to the actual device names connected to them.
There are three digital inputs:
• USB Audio:
• S/PDIF Coax:
• Toslink Optical:
Each input is named as default by its input type. To rename an input, go to “Settings
-> Advanced -> Edit Digital Input Names”, highlight the desired input and select it
to rename. The screen changes to a list of letters, with the current name displayed
at the top. To delete existing letters press the “Stop/Delete” button at the bottom
left of the display. Navigate through the letters and select each letter in turn to
rename the input. When nished, select the “Return” symbol at the end of the
letter list (you can press the “Home” button on the right hand side of the display to
jump to it). The name is then saved and the display returns to the Edit Digital Input
Names menu screen.
Factory Reset
Puts all the settings back to their defaults as they were when they left the factory.
The Stream Magic 6 will ask you if you are sure you want to proceed before
performing a reset.
Note: If you perform a factory reset, you will lose any saved WEP/WPA keys for your
wireless network connection.
Stream Magic Remote
Stream Magic remote is a free iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad application that allows
wireless control of the Stream Magic 6 or other Stream Magic powered Cambridge
Audio products.
The application allows full control of the Stream Magic 6 including Stream Magic
Radio, Streaming Services, UPnP Media, Presets, Queuing and more.
It also supports display of Album artwork and Station logos (where available).
To use Stream Magic Remote you will need a Wi-Fi network or Access point for the
application to connect to , the connection from your router to the Stream Magic 6
can then be either Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
Search for Stream Magic Remote on the Apple App Store or browse www.stream-
magic.com for further details on this and other Apps and features as they become
The Stream Magic 6 allows the user to control playback volume via the Stream
Magic mobile application by either:
• Using the digital pre-amp inside the StreamMagic 6, or
Using a Cambridge Audio Azur amplier or AV Receiver connected to the
StreamMagic 6 via the Control Bus.
Digital Pre-amp
When the digital pre-amp mode is enabled on the StreamMagic 6, the mobile
application allows direct manipulation of playback volume via a slider located on
the Now Playing screen.
Connected Azur Amplier/AV Receiver
Users can enable Azur Mode in the Settings screen on the application when using
the StreamMagic 6 in conjunction with a Cambridge Audio Azur amplier/AV
Receiver. Users should then select whether they are using a Cambridge Audio Azur
amplier or an AV Receiver. If the Stream Magic 6 and the Amp/AV Receiver are
connected using the supplied orange Conrol Bus cable as shown below.
Volume control is now possible via the 'Now Playing' screen volume-up and volume
down buttons.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Depuis quelques jours,je ne sais plus recevoir les emetteurs de la RTBF. Le reste du streamer fonctionne normalement.C'est inacceptable ,un appareil de 1200€ . Je demande que Cambridge Audio fasse quelque chose . J'ai déja essayé une multitude de conseils :connexion internet ,reprogrammer les stations etc ... ,rien n'y fait. Merci Gesteld op 5-1-2023 om 20:44

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Ik heb hetzelfde probleem dat de app de Streammagic 6 niet meer kan vinden. Andere apps werken perfect, bv. Jriver die draait op mijn computer netwerkspeler. Zodra de Streammagic op de markt kwam heb ik deze aangeschaft. Er is niets mis met het apparaat, de app is echter bagger en het gevolg is dat ik het apparaat niet meer gebruik. Kom op Cambridge, doe hier iets aan!
    W. Lighart Gesteld op 20-12-2014 om 11:45

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 19 pagina's

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